Personally, some of these sound like they would actually make my hangover worse, but around the world, these are some of the most popular and strangest hangover cures.
1. Japan

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In Japan, they swear by umeboshi, a pickled and dried ume, which is similar to plum or apricot. The salt in the plum supposedly replenishes electrolytes. However, umeboshi is notorious for its strong sour taste, so steep it in tea to help dilute the flavor.
2. Sicily

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The Sicilians swear by dried bull penis. We’re not so sure we could stomach it sober, but the high levels of proteins, hormones, vitamins and minerals supposedly help to restore energy.
3. Ancient Rome

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Back in the day, the Romans used to enjoy deep fried canary to cure their hangovers. Cooked with hot oil, salt and pepper, the dish was thought to ease headaches.
4. Vietnam

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First of all, rhinos are endangered, and hunting them is illegal, so we certainly aren’t suggesting testing this cure. However, in Vietnam, ground rhino horn mixed with hot water is supposed to be the cure for everything, from allergies to cancer to hangovers.
5. Turkey

Photo courtesy of EuroNatFood
Settle your upset stomach with…stomach? In Turkey, the preferred hangover cure is tripe soup. The cow stomach lining is boiled with garlic, onion and sometimes cream.
6. Mongolia

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Some people will swear by a Bloody Mary in the morning to cure a hangover, but the Mongolians take it up a notch. They ingest pickled sheep eyeballs in tomato juice to recover from a hangover. Although tomato juice has been shown to help the liver expunge alcohol from the body, we think we’ll pass on the eyeballs.
Not sure these weird cures sound effective? Here are some other tried and true ways to banish your hangover: