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How To Eat Gluten-Free In Paris

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at IU chapter.

My Spring Break Spent In Paris

Over spring break, my classmates and I had the unique opportunity to visit Paris, France to study the business behind the luxury industry. As the foodie I am, I made sure to carve out ample time between the lectures and cultural visits to find some delicious food throughout the city. Thankfully, the two closest friends I met on the trip also shared my love for cuisine and were eager to explore the Paris food scene by my side. One of my closest friends faces Celiac disease, meaning her digestive system is unable to process gluten. Prior to the trip, she made a long list and detailed map of the places she could eat at while in the country. Here’s how to eat gluten-free in Paris.

How to eat gluten-free in Paris croissant
Alexandra Caruso

While in Paris, we found ourselves at many of these gluten-free boulangeries and restaurants enjoying all that they had to offer. We became fluent in the phrase, “qu’est-ce qui est sans gluten?” Translating to, “what is gluten-free?” in English.

Prior Gluten-Free Perspective

Before visiting France, I almost never found myself ordering a gluten-free option during my day to day life in the states. Not necessarily because I had something against it, but because I always overlooked it as it does not apply to me. In hindsight, I regret all of the times I brushed passed a Celiac friendly offering on the menu because all of the gluten-free food I was exposed to during our trip was phenomenal. I even found my energy levels to be much higher after eating foods made without gluten which helped during our long days spent touring the city. 

Pizza, dumplings, and gelato are just a fraction of the gluten-free treasures that we found in Paris in addition to some traditional Parisian delicacies, such as pain au surce and croque monsieur.

How to eat gluten-free in Paris
Meghan Martin

At an Italian restaurant, I even stumbled across a gluten-free, vegetarian lasagna. Something I typically would never order as nothing can top my Italian aunt’s homemade version, but I went ahead and tried it. I am so glad that I did. This dish was savory, comforting, and warmed me up after spending the day in the rainy and cold Paris weather. If I did not already know the restaurant was entirely celiac friendly, I would have never guessed this lasagna to be made without gluten. To put it shortly, this plate of lasagna left me speechless.

How to eat gluten-free in Paris
Meghan Martin

The following morning we were on a hunt for some pastry items, and we came across a bakery. Together, we enjoyed espressos and gluten-free scones outside the patisserie like true Parisians. During my trip, I gained a strong appreciation for French coffee culture as getting coffee and drinking it is viewed as an event and is incorporated into one’s day. There is no such thing as “grabbing a coffee to go.” This gives one time to collect themselves while drinking their caffeinated beverage. You can relax, plan out the day ahead, or chat with friends. I look forward to incorporating this coffee routine in my life while in the states.

Bob's Burgers croissant bread
Kristine Mahan

This trip changed my perspective on the world of gluten-free food for the better, and I encourage everyone to give it a taste.

Explore more Spoon University articles on gluten-free foods, like this on being GF in Boston.