When people think of Ithaca, NY, usually the first thing that comes to mind are the Ithaca gorges. Don’t get me wrong, the gorges are definitely a sight to see, but Ithaca has some great places to get dessert without paying the price of a college textbook.
These places are bound to get you those food porn likes on your Instagram.
1. Purity Ice Cream

Photo courtesy of @remimandell on Instagram.
At Purity Ice Cream you can go as crazy or conservative as you want. All of their sundaes are under $5.25 (you can even make your own). A personal favorite is their Boston Milkshake which is a milkshake with an ice cream sundae to top it off all for $7.50.
They even deliver to your door, let that sink in.
2. Life’s So Sweet Chocolates

Photo courtesy of @paigejwinn on Instagram
As soon as you walk in, you will feel like a kid in a candy store – well because you are. Life’s So Sweet Chocolates in right in the Ithaca Commons and is the perfect stop to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Workers here make chocolate covered oreos (pictured above) for just $1.50 and fudge that melts in your mouth for just $2, or you can buy four squares of fudge for $7.
3. Insomnia Cookies

Photo courtesy of majoronions.com
Infamously known for being the go to snack after a night out, Insomnia Cookies never fail to satisfy. If you are craving some cookies and happen to order in between noon-3am, then you can have either one cookie for $1.45 or they have a deal for six cookies priced at $8.
Feeling the need to treat yo-self? Insomnia also lets you get cookies a la mode priced just over $5.
4. Ithaca Bakery

Photo courtesy of @PilotGirl on Flickr
Aside from the delicious meals you can get here, there’s quite a few things to choose from, a good choice is definitely the chocolate chocolate or iced lemon pound cake. Both are $1.95 each.
5. Waffle Frolic

Photo courtesy of @schearx8 on Instagram.
You don’t actually do dessert in Ithaca unless you’ve gone to Waffle Frolic in the commons. Single waffles are half the price of the twin waffles and range in price from $3.50 to $8 (“twin” waffles are typically double the price of a single).
Remember to get some dessert in the near future.

GIF courtesy of GIFAKE.net