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3 Must-Visit Wineries in the Finger Lakes Region

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at HWS chapter.

If you go to school in middle/upstate New York, you know that fine wine is one of the biggest attractions of the area. The Finger Lakes region, situated next to Lake Ontario, is home to more than 200 wineries. That means that you could go to a new winery every weekend for almost four years, if you’re tryna turn up regularly.

Where I go to school (holla at Hobart and William Smith Colleges), there are a ton of wineries to choose from. Recently I was invited by some great friends of mine, the Goldman family, to have an extravagant day touring various vineyards near the school. The only catch? It may or may not have been 0°F outside… #actuallyspoonme. Here’s where we went.


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 1. Anthony Road


Photo by Jake Silvestri

This one isn’t right on the water, but has an expansive vineyard with views that will make you feel like you’re in a Nicholas Sparks film. When we arrived, a local college student handed us a menu and the process began.

We were allowed to choose five different wines, ranging from reds to whites, plus a mix of sweet wines typical for the region. Not only was the wine amazing, but the crackers on the side gave that little extra touch of magic. After being fully wined and dined, we set off for the next vineyard.


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2. Miles Wine Cellars


Photo by Jake Silvestri

My personal favorite was the second winery that we went to on that frigid Saturday, known as Miles Wine Cellars. Not only did it have the most beautiful scenery, but the wine itself was the tastiest. The most beautiful aspect of the vineyard was that it was right on Seneca Lake, which created some serious #lakeporn.

Yet again, this winery gave the same option of five different wines, but this place had a twist. They served a blush called “Wisteria,” which is a sweeter wine, but really amazing. It reminded me of those old days watching Desperate Housewives with my mom. Legend has it the place is also haunted, and one of their wines even has a picture of the little boy and little girl that haunt the area. Protip: they mix powdered sugar with the Wisteria to make  something called a blush slush. Total #winegasm. After throwing back a few more tastes, we were off to our final destination.

Legend has it the place is also haunted, and one of their wines even has a picture of the little boy and little girl that haunt the area. Pro tip: they mix powdered sugar with the Wisteria to make something called a blush slush. Total #winegasm. After throwing back a few more tastes, we were off to our final destination.


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3.  The Belhurst Castle


Photo by Jake Silvestri

For reasons unknown, after leaving the second winery the cold seemed a little more tolerable to my group. We were blown away by this incredible castle and its winery. The Belhurst contains a hotel, two restaurants inside, and its incredible backyard is nestled right up to Lake Seneca.

The wines here were definitely more unique and varied than the other wineries that we visited. The best one was their Cabernet Sauvignon, a red wine with a dark chocolate aftertaste. It was very rich, but had a refreshing finish. At this point, we were nearing the end of our wine tour, and I had tried 15 different wines. It was time for me to go home, finish all of my homework, and go to bed at a reasonable hour.


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I am an outgoing, confident, and funny guy who loves to eat. I am a foodie and take pride in that. Playing tennis and hanging out with my friends are two things I love to do.