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Why Black Tap Milkshakes Aren’t Worth the Hype

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Holy Cross chapter.

Unless you’ve spent 2016 under a rock, you’ve surely been tempted by images of the infamous Black Tap milkshakes. From their rise to fame on Instagram to their feature on the Today Show, these crazy creations seem to everywhere since their birth last November. But are they worth the hype? As certified milkshake analysts, my sister and I took to the Big Apple to give ’em a try and here’s what we found.

The Lines


Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Available exclusively at the restaurant’s two (very tiny) New York City locations, the milkshakes have drawn enormous crowds. Some customers report even waiting outside for over an hour. Our experience was less than a half hour wait for two seats at the bar, but we didn’t mind, we were still pretty psyched.

The Price Tag


Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Before hitting the city, we just couldn’t seem to find the price of these shakes. With New York ranked as the most expensive city in America, we expected to pay a pretty penny. Still, the whopping $15 price tag on these specialty desserts came as a shock. Probably the most we’ll dish out for a shake.

The Shake


Photo courtesy of @blacktapnyc via Instagram

The specialty shake options are available on a rotating basis and include Sweet N’ Salty, Oreo Cookies & Cream, and Cotton Candy, but other concoctions do seem to pop up from time to time. As eternal chocoholics, we decided to try both the Sweet N’ Salty and the Oreo Cookies & Cream. When they came out, our jaws hit the floor. These were the milkshakes of our wildest dreams.

The Verdict


Photo courtesy of @blacktapnyc on Instagram

Did we enjoy them? Most certainly. Did they blow our minds? Not so much. We can all agree that the presentation of the shakes is unbelievable and the toppings are a work of art, but at the heart of it, the milkshake was nothing special. We’ll admit, we still finished every last drop (and had the sweet-induced nausea of a kid in a candy shop to prove it), but by the bottom of the glass, it was clear that the shakes’ best feature is their ~Instagrammabilty~. You might as well make them yourself.

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Shannon Ganley

Holy Cross '17