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Which InHouse Drink You Should Order According to Your Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Holy Cross chapter.

InHouse Coffee, a Holy Cross staple, has been aiding student coffee addicts for years. When you first walk into InHouse, the coffee infused aroma can be very soothing, but when it comes time to order, the menu can be very overwhelming. If you’re an InHouse regular or have yet to visit the famous establishment, here are some suggestions on what drink you should order based on your major.  

Economics: Hazelnut Iced Coffee


Photo by Gabriella Fletcher

If you’re an econ major, chances are you are all for crunching numbers and figuring out how to save the economy. Econ majors can most likely be found in Stein debating which ways are most efficient for allocating money in the economy. This is why econ majors should enjoy a nice hazelnut iced coffee from InHouse. It’s cost efficient and the perfect combination for the much needed caffeine they need to get through the next economic crisis.

Biology: Espresso


Photo by Gabriella Fletcher

Bio majors are most likely to be found talking about cells and how gross their dissection of a pig went in the Science Café. If you’re a bio major and ever leave the science building for a couple minutes, you should definitely order an espresso at Inhouse.  Not only does it pack a powerful punch, it will also help you stay awake for your next 5 hour lab or 8 hour exam.

Spanish: Vienna Coffee


Photo courtesy of Sunny S. on Yelp

If you’re a Spanish major, chances are you went abroad or are planning to do so soon.  You’re probably more cultured than the rest of us and thus, your coffee palate is probably much more expanded than the average Holy Cross student’s.  You’re slowly becoming more and more european and it’s definitely showing.  Go bold and order the Vienna coffee, a rich aromatic blend that either will instantly send your tastebuds back to Spain or, prepare you for your year abroad in the land churros, paella and sangria.  #soeuro

English: Americano


Photo by Gabby Phi

Ah the good ‘ol English majors. Can most likely be found walking around with some Shakespeare speaking in old english, or writing yet another research paper. It is no secret that english majors like to preserve the classics and this is why they should order an Americano at Inhouse. It is perfect way to satisfy their coffee needs while also sticking with a classic cup-o-joe.

Music: Green Tea Latté


Photo by Veronica C. on Yelp

The music majors are most likely warming up their vocal chords in Fenwick Theater or singing in Cool Beans. Music majors are known as being the more creative types.  Those who venture off the beaten track and are always willing to explore new things. Not only is Green Tea Latté the perfect pick me up to help those overused vocal chords, it also provides a much needed caffeine boost to get you through your next performance.

History: Hawaiian Macadamia Nut


Photo courtesy of TripAdvisor

History majors can most likely can be found in Dinand thinking about the latest conspiracy theory or, they can been seen at A&B Liquors picking up some booze for their latest president themed Saturday night bash. To make sure they have enough energy to read a whole book in one night, history majors should order the Hawaiian Macadamia Nut coffee. This unique flavored coffee is perfect for history majors because of its rich Hawaiian culture and its smooth elegant flavor. #socultured

Math: French Vanilla


Photo by Maggie Scanlon

If you’re a math major there is a high chance that you spend most of your days in Swords working on one single math problem. Math majors are often seen as the less adventurous types who like to play it safe. I recommend they go with the simple, yet delicious and order French Vanilla. This yet great cup of java is sure to help boost brainpower to help get you through part e of that 10 part question on the last page of your problem set.  

Psychology: Chai Latté


Photo by Gabriella Fletcher

Psychology majors are most likely to be anywhere around campus because lets face it, everyone and their mother is a psychology major. Are they a social science? Are they an actual science? No one is quite sure. So whether you are headed off to write a paper or headed to a lab you should be sure to grab a chai latte. It’s the perfect combination of coffee and tea, just like psych is the perfect combination of science and humanities.

Political Science: Cappuccino


Photo courtesy of @cabelcoffee on Instagram

It is inevitable to walk around Holy Cross without running into a Poli Sci major. Most likely to be found living in CB2 talking about everything from the presidential election to debating which amendment is the most important. Let’s face it, Poli Sci majors think that tradition is the way of the world, which is why they should order a cappuccino. It’s a staple, classic go-to drink that will give you that extra stamina to get through that Constitutional Law debate or 50 page thesis.

Undecided: Water


Photo courtesy of Enid Martindale on Flickr

Because you just can’t make decisions.