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5 Toast Creations to Make at the Fresh Food Company

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at GVSU chapter.

In college, food tastes best when it’s free and convenient.  Through the combination of prepaid meal plans and all you can eat dining halls, it seems like college campuses have it all figured out. The convenience of it all has reached the point that it seems foolish to pass up meals you have already paid for – and you’re right – it absolutely is.

However, there will likely come a day when the honeymoon stage fades and a lifestyle based on convenience and dependence on the meals of the day starts to grow less appealing. At this point, you realize it is time to make a change. But don’t panic, you’re not going to starve, in fact, you need not look further than the toaster that you have been walking past on your typical path to the hamburgers and chicken bowl.

Here are 5 creative toast recipes that you can easily make with the ingredients at the Fresh Food Company. From breakfast to dessert, these recipes will finally help you take control of your meal.

Tea Toast

Creative toast recipes
Mary Racette

Capture the taste of a midsummer tea party on the patio with the classiest piece of toast you’ll ever eat at a dining hall. You can make this open-faced cucumber sandwich just about any time at fresh, as long as the salad bar is open.

Things you need: 

– Wheat toast

– Thin spread of cream cheese

– Fresh cucumbers 

– Sprinkle of crushed salt or garden veggie seasoning

Elvis Toast 

Creative toast recipes
Mary Racette

The toast. The myth. The legend. This toast utilizes one of the best features of Fresh: the all-powerful bowl of peanut butter. Make Elvis Presley proud by creating his favorite flavor combination and loading your peanut butter toast with bananas and chocolate chips.

Things you need: 

– Wheat toast

– Peanut butter

– Chocolate chips

– Banana slices

#Spoontip: this combination is especially good on a bagel of your choice. Einstein’s Bagels often sends their leftovers to Fresh. 

Open-Faced PB&J 

Creative toast recipes
Mary Racette

As simple as in may seem, this boxed lunch classic is often times forgotten about once the concept of prepared meals is available. When it comes to peanut butter and jelly, there is nothing wrong with reverting back to your school days for a safe and nostalgic breakfast or lunch. This might be the easiest of these creative toast recipes to prepare and the ingredients are always available at Fresh.

Things you need:

– Who doesn’t know what goes on PB & J? 

Peanut Butter Crunch Toast

Creative toast recipes
Mary Racette

Turn a simple piece of toast into a delicious dessert with just a few ingredients. Cereal on toast might look crazy, but once you feel that unique crunch as you bite down, you’ll only feel crazy for not thinking of it sooner.

Things you need:

– Wheat bread

– Peanut butter

– Crushed Rice Krispies

– Chocolate chips

Honey Nut Toast 

Creative toast recipes
Mary Racette

While the location varies from the bakery to the salad bar, Fresh always has vanilla yogurt.  Make this toast to create a unique flavor profile unlike anything else you’ll find at a dining hall.

Things you need:

– Wheat toast

– Thin spread of yogurt 

– Raisins 

– Sesame seeds

– Honey or maple syrup drizzle

A piece of toast is a blank canvas and the Fresh Food Company offers a wide range of ingredients which provide numerous savory and sweet possibilities for creative toast recipes.  Everyone has their own personal preferences and toast is an excellent way to build your perfect meal. The resources are there, so why not get creative?