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7 Ways to Eat Healthy on Guelph Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Guelph chapter.

Being on campus doesn’t have to be the enemy of your health habits. We have to thank UoG for making it easy to find the perfect balance of healthy and tasty – all within a ten minute walk. If you want to enjoy a satisfying meal without sacrificing time on the treadmill, then check out these tips to help you maximize the nutritional benefits and not the calories.

1. Check out the salad bar


Photo by: Alyssa Brewer

You may be thinking you’d prefer something filling for lunch rather than some light greens, but look no further than the hidden gem within the university centre food court. Along with interesting vegetable and grain combos, there are also new quinoa salads from Mediterranean with shrimp or light balsamic dressing. Quinoa is a supergrain high in a good source of protein that will keep your stomach from gurgling through those back to back lectures.

2. Don’t say bye to bread


Photo by Carmen Tan

You don’t have to skip out on those beloved carbs to keep your new years resolution going, just switch to whole wheat options whenever possible. Try the 12 grain bagels at Tim Hortons and whole grain wraps in all the Cafeterias and Food courts. They are made up of complex carbohydrates, which takes longer for your stomach to digest so you can settle in your favourite study spot for longer.

3. It’s what’s on the inside that counts


Photo By Hayden Carder

Pack your wraps, subs and pitas with veggies that will be boost your mood with antioxidants and vitamins.  To start, swap out iceberg lettuce for the more nutrient dense romaine or spinach, add peppers for an excellent source of vitamin A and B, and try Alfonzo sprouts for a fluffy texture and enhanced digestion. Get more wrap inspiration here.

4. Go nuts


Photo By Bari Blanga

The bulk section in Mountain and the UC food court aren’t just for candy splurges, there are different nut combinations for all your snacking needs. Nuts are a healthy source of protein as they contain unsaturated (aka the good kind) of fats and are high in fibre helping with digestion.

For example, go for almonds to promote skin, heart and bone health; cashews for iron and zinc or walnuts for their antioxidants, omega-3 and fats that actually help your heart. Read all about nuts and their benefits here.

5. Time for tea


Photo by Carmen Tan

Save that double whip venti latte for a treat and pick up a Chai tea to get you through that cold trek to War Mem. Chai tea is a black tea so it will perk you up without skipping out on those cozy winter flavours like cinnamon, cardamom and fennel. Plus it has your essential 3 A’s: antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer benefits.

Not in the mood for a chai? Find the perfect tea for your day here.

6. Go vegetarian for a day … or meal


Photo by Cherie Mak

It’s easy to assume Nature’s Best located in Creelman and the UC food court are exclusively for vegetarians but their filling plates are there for all carnivores as well! The dishes are usually packed with the perfect combination of healthy ingredients to keep your body happy. From sweet potato stews to bean quesadillas you’re sure to be impressed with the vegetarian lifestyle.

7. Eating Healthy PAYS Off


Photo by Carmen Tan

Next time you’re loading up containers from the salad bar, don’t forget to ask the lovely cashiers for a fruit and veggie card. For every fruit, salad bar veggies or vegetable side from any hot counter such as Mom’s kitchen you can get a stamp. After 10 you get to pick your 11th free vegetable side or whole fruit free!

Want to expand your healthy eating to snack time too? Check out guilt free study snacks here