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13 Chocolate Treats More Bitter Than Taylor Swift

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at GSU chapter.

Unless you don’t believe in social media, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard about the beef going on between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift over Kanye West’s song “Famous.” There’s been a lot of back and forth between the two over whether or not Taylor actually heard the lyrics to the song before it was released, and up until now it was a battle of he said, she said. However, Kim finally shut down the conversation for good by releasing a series of videos via Snapchat proving that Kanye did in fact play his song for Taylor, and had her approval. Yeah, TSwift screwed up.

While celebrity gossip may not be high brow conversation, it’s pretty damn entertaining to watch social media explode. So, here are 13 bittersweet chocolate snacks to enjoy as you watch the drama play out on your newsfeeds.

1. Homemade “What’s Gonna Happen to Taylor’s Girl Squad” Girl Scout Tagalongs

Taylor Swift

Photo by Rae Steinbach

It’s a shame this blow up didn’t happen during Girl Scout cookie season, but at least you can make these bad boys at home.

2. “Saltier Than Taylor’s Publicist” Peanut Butter, White and Bittersweet Chocolate Popcorn

Taylor Swift

Photo by Alina Polishuk

Chocolate and popcorn is like TSwift and celebrity feuds – matches made in heaven.

3. “Darker Than The Hole Taylor Dug” Dark Chocolate Cookies

Taylor Swift

Photo by Delaney Strunk

I don’t think she can sing her way out of this one, but we can munch on these cookies while we wait for her next album to drop.

4. Peanut Butter Chocolate “What The Fudge Is Taylor Gonna Do Now” Cake

Taylor Swift

Photo by Mackenzie Barth

Taylor asked to be, “excluded from this narrative,” but I’m sure she’d want to be included in eating this cake.

5. “Puppy Dog Eyes Can’t Save TSwift Now” Puppy Chow Popcorn

Taylor Swift

Photo by Chelsea Hawk

This may be the biggest celebrity feud of our time, so pop some corn, sit back, and enjoy.

6. “Bet John Mayer’s Glad Taylor Dumped His Triflin’ Ass” Chai Chocolate Truffles

Taylor Swift

Photo by Delaney Strunk

Anyone else want to share a batch of these beauties with her “long list of exlovers?”

7. “Good Girl With Bad Blood” Brownies

Taylor Swift

Photo by Kristine Mahan

I don’t think sending, “I’m sorry I lied to everyone” baked goods will help, but if snack could it would definitely be these brownies.

8. “Proof She Heard Those Bars” Ghirardelli Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

Taylor Swift

Photo by Hunter Siegrist

The only thing better than Kim dropping another tape is this Ghirardelli chocolate recipe.

9. “Band-Aids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes Or The Chip On Her Shoulder” Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sandwiches

Taylor Swift

Photo by Hunter Siegrist

Can we CNN moderate a debate between Kanye and Taylor? We’ll bring the snacks.

10. “I’mma Let You Finish This” Chocolate Bacon Bark

Taylor Swift

Photo by Analiese Trimber

If Kanye was nice enough to share his lyrics with Taylor, I guess we can be nice enough to share this chocolate bacon bark with him.

11. “Why So Salty Swift” Salted Carmelitas

Taylor Swift

Photo by Delaney Strunk

The American Heart Association recommends eating no more than 2300mg of salt per day, but at this point, I think Taylor might be double the daily limit of salt.

12. “Hotter Than Kimye’s Next Diss” Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

Taylor Swift

Photo by Helena Lin

Anytime someone comes for the Kardashians, they get burned faster than it takes to burn your tongue on this molten chocolate.

13. “How ‘Bout Them” Chocolate Walnut Caramel Apples

Taylor Swift

Photo by Maggie Gorman

Kim made Taylor eat her words, but if they tasted anything like these caramel apples, I bet they were amazing.

The classiest broad you'll ever meet east of the Mississippi, she believes in the power of red lipstick, and can eat her body weight in tacos.