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5 Chocolates to Support Women’s Equality

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Graceland chapter.

August 26th is Women’s Equality Day! Over 60% of the world’s food is produced by women– and a lot of those women don’t get fair pay for their work. By buying Fairtrade America labeled products, you can ensure that everyone on the supply chain is being paid a fair wage, and women are given opportunities for advancement in careers and financial security. 

1. Lily’s Sweets

Lily’s Sweets knows that the sweetest things in life don’t necessarily have to be full of sugar! Lily’s is known for delicious treats made with Fairtrade chocolate and sweetened with stevia to lower the sugar levels. What could be sweeter? Maybe knowing that by supporting Fairtrade America, you’re helping to send women to the Women’s School of Leadership in Cote D’Ivoire, where female cocoa farmers get to learns about gender equality, financial management, and so many other skills to help themselves and their families. 

2. Tony’s Chocolonely 

Sometimes, you just want a little bit of chocolate. Sometimes, you want a LOT of chocolate. Sometimes, you’re right in between, but you never want chocolate that requires the exploitation of women. Tony’s Chocolonely has you covered, of course!  Even if you’re just buying some Tiny Tonys, you know that you’re making a BIG impact on the lives of women cocoa farmers. 

3. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

Okay, this one isn’t technically chocolate. But Ben & Jerry’s ice creams use Fairtrade ingredients, including sugar, almonds, coffee, and (of course) chocolate! Ben & Jerry’s has even rolled out a program to support cocoa farmers in Cote D’Ivoire, including training for women in cocoa cooperatives, and promoting female-owned businesses! 

4. Endangered Species Chocolate

This one is a personal favorite. There’s nothing like breaking off a piece of Forest Mint + Dark Chocolate after a long day, especially knowing that Fairtrade America ensures that producers commit to protecting the local ecosystem and slowing climate change. These standards ensure safety for women now, and for future generations to come. 

5. Wildly Organic Cacao Powder

Oatmeal? Coffee? Brownies? Cake? Whatever your cooking or baking needs, choose Wildly Organic Fermented Cacao Powder. It’s a delicious swap for regular cocoa powder, with the added bonus of being both organic and Fairtrade America certified. Your next batch of brownies could help open more schools for women in Central Asia, Indonesia, and India! 

For more information, be sure to check out Fairtrade America to learn all the ways they’re helping stop climate change, support women’s equality, end child labor, and support worker’s rights!

I am a vegan college student with a passion for theatre, dance, food, and the environment. And ice cream. Always, always ice cream.