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6 Unusual Ice-Cream Flavours at Havmor: What They Actually Taste Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at GNLU chapter.

If you don’t like ice-cream, I can’t trust you. Is there anyone who doesn’t like ice-cream? Or at least, from where I see it, someone who doesn’t like chocolate ice-cream? Personally, I have personally never ordered anything other than chocolate ice-cream, to the extent that I have tried every variation of chocolate ice-cream Baskin Robbins has to offer. And while I love it, after a certain point, I started to wonder if I am missing out on the good stuff when I don’t take the road less travelled by. So this week I went all out and decided to try out some of the most unusual ice-cream flavours Havmor had to offer. Read on to know how it went!

Zafrani Zaika

This is one of Havmor’s flavours of the month, so I started off with this. It tasted like butterscotch with a slight tinge of Mango. As someone who isn’t very fond of butterscotch, it was pretty good. I can see myself reaching for this when I’m in the mood for something different.


I know, I know. The entire point of this exercise was to escape the chocolate madness. But this was the second one of Havmor’s flavours of the month, and I couldn’t resist giving it a try. As I suspected, it’s a combination of chocolate and (you guessed it) Bournvita. And how can that ever taste bad? I recommend this for when you’re looking for a slight twist in your basic chocolate flavoured ice-cream.

Fresh Jamun

The third and last one of Havmor’s flavours of the month, this one was the biggest disappointment, because I had expected it to be both sweet and sour, with a tangy aftertaste like the fruit it was named after (and made from). And although it did technically fulfil those requirements, it wasn’t exactly tasty.

The first time I tried it, the jamun flavour wasn’t very prominent. I gave it a second chance a few days later and this time, I could taste the jamun but it tasted more frozen than fresh. Overall, not a hit for me. (Side note – if you’re into fruity ice creams – the fresh strawberry ice-cream is the bomb).

Besides the flavours of the month, I tried some other exotic sounding ice-creams as well.


If you love meetha paan, this one’s for you. From its beautiful mint green shade to the delicious smell, this ice cream was a delight. As someone who is perpetually confused about whether everything inside meetha paan is supposed to be consumed, this offers the same taste minus the embarrassment of asking someone if you’re supposed to eat up the entire thing.


The name surprised me, because how can you sum up a city in an ice cream flavour? As it turns out, you can. Although the base was similar to Kesar Pista, there was a nuttier tinge to it. Lonavala is famous for its peanut chikkis and Havmor did a pretty spot on job of nailing the vibe of the city with this.

Rich Coffee

Okay, so coffee isn’t that unusual a flavour for ice-cream, but the only other time I tried coffee ice-cream it was a huge letdown. After that incident, I had high expectations for this ice-cream, and thankfully it didn’t disappoint. It certainly lives up to its name, and had a lovely bittersweet taste, although it leant more on the sweeter side. The texture was creamy and smooth, as well.

Out of all of them, Rich Coffee is a clear winner for me and has definitely become my new routine order whenever I go to Havmor. Hence, mission accomplished.