In the last few years, edibles have gotten pretty legit – from the creation of dark chocolate hazelnut cannabis chocolate to restaurants offering gourmet sushi-and-weed pairings, eating weed isn’t just for stoners anymore.

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If you’re a budding (ha) chef, making your ideal brownie just got way easier. Making infused butter smells quite a bit, so take a tip from Michael Rubens, cannabis chef extraordinaire, and DIY in a better way – with pot flour.
Check out this recipe from Herb, but to summarize: get your greens dry AF, pick out all seeds and stems, grind (preferably in a food processor), and mix with 2x as much flour as weed. Done.

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#SpoonTip: We know we don’t have to tell you twice, but be sure to use your “cannaflour” ASAP – some sources claim its shelf life is only 24 hours.
You can use this just like you would regular flour, so go get your baked on. Get stoned off your next slutty brownie or blazed from your breakfast, totally your call. We recommend baking some of your childhood faves, like grandma’s cookies, for the best way to celebrate no longer being a kid.