My entire family consists of doctors – my dad, my uncle, my other uncle, my cousin, my other cousin, my brother-in-law, my sister…you get the point. So I’ve grown up in a doctor’s mentality, whether that be which pain is concerning, what foods to eat, or whether or not I can “actually” stay home from school that day. It can get annoying sometimes.
But there is a method to doctors’ madness. Exhibit A: they spent 12+ years studying the human body, and really studying it. Trust me, I haven’t spoken to my medical student of a brother in two weeks because he’s studying so much.
See, I told you.
As a college student, it’s kind of hard to get out of bed sometimes, let alone make time for breakfast. Considering it’s the most important part of the day, I thought I would reach out to my doctor-database to see what they eat for breakfast each day. You’d be surprised at the results.
Dr. Jan Arnett, Ophthalmologist: Cereal, Fruit, Eggs, and Nuts
This breakfast eating habit I’ve watched all my life – my dad loves his cereal, especially mixing different kinds of cereals in one bowl. So when it comes to breakfast, he opts for some whole grain cereal (like Quaker Oatmeal Squares or Chex) with almond milk.
He says if he’s not feeling cereal that day, he’ll have a soft boiled egg, a banana, and some nuts. He’s always one to combine good carbs, protein, and some healthy fats (and boy, have I heard it all my life).
Dr. Neil Kabous, Cardiologist: Granola Bar
Dr. Kabous is a huge fan of granola, so having it for breakfast is a must. His busy schedule doesn’t break that habit. When he’s on his way to see patients, he has a granola bar in his car. Want to follow Dr. Kabous’s footsteps? Try finding your favorite brand or making your own.
Dr. Kathy Brandes, Radiologist: Yogurt & Granola
Yogurt and granola is one of the best things you eat in the AM – filled with protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats, not to mention it’s super simple and fast to make. Dr. Brandes loves her yogurt and granola each morning to fuel the rest of her day. Try pimping out your own parfait with these recipes.
Dr. George Bittar, Cardiologist: Dates, Fruit, and Nuts
As his children will tell you, Dr. Bittar swears by dates – he has three a day for breakfast and used to push them onto his children too. He accompanies his dates with tea, and typically has nuts and apples too – you know what they say, an apple a day.
Dr. Steve Aydin, Physical Medicine & Rehab: Two Cups of Coffee, Each with Cream and Two Sugars
There probably isn’t a doctor out there who doesn’t drink at least two cups of coffee per day. Long hours and late-night patient calls require caffeine, and lots of it. Dr. Aydin probably isn’t following the whole “eating” part of breakfast, but he claims not all doctors are as healthy as you think. Hey, he has some cream in there, and that has protein, right?
Dr. Pamela Aydin, Optometrist: Coffee with Cream and a Banana
The whole coffee and cream thing must be a staple in that Aydin household (see Dr. Steve Aydin before this). But this Dr. Aydin also enjoys a banana for her morning breakfast, because they’re full of fiber and vitamins, especially those that are beneficial to your eyes.
Dr. Brian Donahue, Orthopedic Surgeon: Greek Yogurt & Coffee

Dr. Donahue eats nonfat cherry Greek yogurt for breakfast, four days a week. The protein is great to maintain energy throughout the day. In addition, he has a Starbucks coffee, complete with one milk and two Splendas (artificial sweeteners, though? I’ll overlook it Dr. Donahue).