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My Juice Cleanse as an Embarrassing Video Montage

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Gatech chapter.

There are many reasons why I wanted to do a magical juice cleanse. For starters, I wanted to see if it even worked. A lot of health fads tend to come off as gimmicky, and the Internet is flooded with debates of whether or not a juice cleanse is actually good for you. I figured the only person equipped enough to decide if a juice cleanse was good for my body was, well, me (aren’t I lucky?). Second, wrapping up finals honestly just made me feel really greasy. My diet was literally trash in every sense of the word, and I found myself in desperate need of a fresh start. And finally, why not? How hard can three days of juice drinking be?

Well, very very hard.

I don’t know if it was harder or easier than I expected because I came into the experience with zero prior knowledge. None of my friends have ever partaken in a juice cleanse so I was doing this for everyone. I did have the self-respect to film my high and low points for my friends’ viewing pleasure, and now you get a taste of the action. Three days, me versus 18 juices and 6 booster shots. 

Day 0: The Day I Pick Up the Juice

I walked three blocks with a bag full of juices. No one knew what was in the bag, besides me, but I felt like a complete basic white girl nonetheless. I was very very excited though! The juice people hyped me up a little too much, as so did the fact that I successfully parallel parked for the first time ever to get to the store.

Day 1: “I Just Want to Chew My Food Again”

If you would’ve heard me, you would’ve thought I hadn’t eaten a real meal in years. I was crowned the queen of complaining; every person I know can attest to that. I mean, I don’t think the juice cleanse would have the same effect if I didn’t splatter it all over my social media. 

They warned me that this would be the hardest day, and by 6 PM, I was about to cave and eat something. I hated one of the juices (s/o to you, ginger green) and couldn’t get myself to drink it. I literally had to use a straw to get as much in me as possible with the least amount of damage. And when I decided to spice things up with a booster shot, I LITERALLY spiced things up, and it made everything about ten thousand times worse. But I made it, and that’s what matters.

#Advice: I would NOT recommend working out hard any of these days. Your body is focused on detoxification and rebuilding, and working out just consumes a lot of that energy. I wish I knew that midst juice cleanse because I worked out twice on day 1 (one-hour run and one-hour HIIT-like bootcamp), and my head was THROBBING by the end of it.

Day 2: “Is This What Natural Energy Feels Like?”

I surprisingly felt AMAZING on day 2. I was thriving – I was filled with energy, satisfied by all of the juices, and felt generally happy. I definitely was still obnoxiously making jokes about it over snapchat (because I think I’m funnier than I actually am), but hopefully someone other than me laughed. 

I reflected on my day 1 experience and really think I was going through caffeine (coffee and Diet Coke) withdrawals because this day, there was not a headache in sight. It was all ~good vibes~ and ~positivity~, all enforced by the Soulcycle class I did. Good decision? Probably not, as it did leave me starving, but the juices held me over enough, especially my sixth juice of the day – ChocoLIT

Day 3: “Nothing Comes Easy.”

I’m not going to say I could do this for longer than three days, but I definitely will say I’m very much interested in doing this again (just maybe not when I’m home because my Cuban abuela is on the verge of a breakdown because I’m not eating).

The third day I definitely spent the most hungry, I think my body was just in survivor mode, having quick bursts of energy and then constantly needing to be refueled. I was dragged to a work event at night, which definitely didn’t help my food-obsessed mind, but I powered through until the very end. 

Now that I know I can do it makes me all the more proud of myself. Everything takes hard work, and sticking to six juices a day was a difficult feat, but the way you want to look and, more importantly, the way you want to feel are both things worth fighting for.

All about dancing bodies and intertwining minds.