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Where to Find the Best Food After Midnight in Greenville

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Furman chapter.

It is 1 AM at the Barn, and you get into your Uber to return to campus, but something terrible occurs… a large growl comes from your stomach and a sudden craving for fried food occurs. What do you do? Have no fear. Here are eight restaurants open late night in Greenville for those nights when the drunchies are haunting you. 

1. Cookout

Surprise, surprise! I am talking about Cookout once again. But honestly, does it get much better than being able to order a chicken finger tray with onion rings and a quesadilla (and don’t you dare forget about the milkshake) until 4 in the morning??

After that intense game of pong at a fraternity house or a night full of dancing at The Pumphouse, a trip to Cookout is always a must in order to fulfill that grumble in your stomach.

But please, don’t be that annoying girl chanting “COOKOUT! COOKOUT!” at the poor pledge driving you and your friends home from a frat house… ask politely and maybe even buy him some fries.

Nothing better than being surrounded by a bunch of drunk college students late at night in the Cookout line…anyone relate to this article?

2. Waffle House

Another one of my personal favorites, Waffle House is open 24 hours. Does that mean that you can indulge in a chocolate chip waffle with a double order of hash browns at any hour you please? Yes, that is exactly what it means.

I may or may not be a regular at 536 Haywood Rd, and the waiters may or may not know my order by heart….(They do.) Don’t forget to bring change for their jute box because I know you want to jam to Justin Timberlake while shamelessly stuffing your face with a sausage, egg, cheese, hash brown bowl.

I recommend sitting at the bar if you are looking for some quality entertainment because I swear comedy is that staff’s true calling.

3. Sully’s Steamers

the Best Food After Midnight in Greenville cake cream
Rianna Lloyd

Open until 3 AM, Sully’s Steamers is the go-to for a case of the drunchies after a night downtown. If you need a fixing of gluten, this is your place.

These world-famous steamed bagel sandwiches will rock your world. You choose your bagel type and everything you want on your sandwich from cinnamon sugar to salami. A bite of a Sully’s bagel is most likely going to be the best part of your night (even better than flirting with that cute Italian bartender).

4. Antonio Bertolo’s Pizza and Wine Bar

the Best Food After Midnight in Greenville basil pepperoni
Emily Sauchelli

I am about to let you in on a little secret. On Fridays and Saturdays, this pizza place opens a magical window that serves pizza until 2:30 AM. Late night pizza? Sign me up! This pizza would taste even better if shared with said Italian Bartender…..

Can’t finish that pizza? Grab that box and bring it home for the morning. Find out how to turn your leftover pizza into breakfast pizza here.

5. Bojangles

things you need for your apartment sweet cookie
Mackenzie Patel

Before you get too excited, this one is only for the real late night owls…and I mean late. Bojangles tragically closes at 10 PM, but it opens at 5:30 AM so if you are still up doing who knows what at this hour, then get your butt to Bojangles and get yourself some chicken and biscuits!

6. Jack in the Box

God bless these drive-thrus open 24 hours. I think I need to send these places a thank you note on behalf of all college students. Jack in the Box offers burgers, tacos, salads, shakes…basically anything you can imagine. I am sure you can find whatever you are craving at this joint.

Although I’ve never personally experienced an egg roll from Jack in the Box, I have heard that it is better to steer clear from them. Your stomach will thank you.

7. McDonald’s

Shamrock Shake cake
Alex Frank

We cannot forget about this holy grail. Lets be real here, McDonald’s paved the way for all other fast food. Shoutout to Ronald McDonald! McDonald’s is open 24 hours a day, so feel free to grab a McFlurry and a large fry whenever your little heart desires.

8. Wendy’s

JeepersMedia on Flickr

The girl with the red braids sure does know how to do fast food. If you’re craving a chocolate frosty, make sure it is before 1 AM. And while we are on this topic, never trust someone who tries to drink a frosty with a straw… #TeamSpoon.

So for all of those late night snackers, that was where to find food after midnight in Greenville. Shoutout to these fast food places for finishing our nights off on a positive note. (#Blessed.)

A little bit Yankee, a little bit Y'allLover of Lilly Pulitzer, monograms, dessert and Tom Brady