With our applications recently opened up to the general public, we wanted to share some of our favorite things about Spoon FSU with all of you. Joining a Spoon chapter gives you the chance to channel your passion for food while being a trendsetta on campus and introducing the most bad*ss international community to your school. Writing for a publication can be daunting, but here at Spoon we make it an enjoyable experience for everyone. Here’s why you should take the time to consider joining our Spoon family.
1. Having Your Work Published

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I don’t know about any of you, but speaking from personal experience, having your work published is a damn good feeling. In addition, being able to write on your resume that you’ve had published work for one of the most prestigious publications in the country and it’s partners does well for your future career aspirations. Some of our articles and photos have even been featured on BuzzFeed, Yahoo, and on Food Networks snapchat! We’re not a regular publication, we’re a cool publication.
2. Potlucks

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Have you ever wanted to walk into a room and see a table FULL of food? Your wish is our command. We make sure that we’re not just writing about food, but we’re also eating it, LOTS of it.
3. Meeting Other Foodies

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Maybe my idea of “fun” is a little outdated, but sitting around a room and figuring out the hottest food spots in tally is my idea of fun. Joining Spoon offered me the opportunity to find out so many different food restaurants that I never knew existed. You’ll always have someone to go try that weird asian place with or rush and catch a nice boozy brunch at Madso.
4. Adventures!

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You never know where you article of the week will take you. Tallahassee isn’t as small of a place as we all think it is. It’s the little nook and crannies of tally that capture our hearts here at Spoon.
5. Prepare To Be Challenged

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I’ve had plenty professors at FSU that I am very grateful for. They’ve challenged my writing and thought process and made me into a better person. But, there’s nothing like having someone your own age challenge and push you into being a better writer. Working with editors your own age offers a new fresh and innovative perspective to your writing.We give you the tools to become better writers and editors so you can get published and share your opinions with millions of young people across the country.
6. Leadership Opportunities

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There is a tons of opportunities to be involved and to move up the chain of command. Whether that means managing an entire social media account or becoming a content editor, there is tons of opportunities. Some publications just say that but at Spoon we actually want you to have the ability to move up in the publication and harness your leadership skills.
There are many other reasons to take ten minutes out of your day and apply here for an opportunity at Spoon FSU, but these are just a few of our personal favorites. If you’re interested in applying to be a writer, photographer, videographer or apart of our community engagement team (or you know someone who is) what’re you waiting for!? There’s a spot for everyone here and we can’t wait to meet you all!
Applications are due April 30th at 11:59pm #neverforks