You know food. You love food, but sometimes the way they’re pronounced trips you up. Here are fifteen of the most commonly mispronounced food terms to make you sound like a better foodie.
1. Seitan
How you’ve been saying it: “see-tan”
How you should really say it: “SAY-tan”
2. Pho
How you’ve been saying it: “FO”
How you should really say it: “fuh”
3. Espresso
How you’ve been saying it: “ex-press-oh”
How you should really say it: “es-press-oh”
4. Açaí
How you’ve been saying it: “A-ky”
How you should really say it: “a-sigh-ee”
5. Hummus
How you’ve been saying it: “hum-iss”
How you should really say it: “hoom-is”
6. Macaron
How you’ve been saying it: “mak-a-roon”
How you should really say it: “mak-a-RUHN”
7. Caramel
How you’ve been saying it: “car-mel”
How you should really say it: “kar-ah-mehl”
8. Chipotle
How you’ve been saying it: “chi-po-till”
How you should really say it: “chi-POHT-lay”
9. Turmeric
How you’ve been saying it: “toom-ehr-ik”
How you should really say it: “TER-muh-rihk”
10. Jalapeño
How you’ve been saying it: “ja-lah-peh-no”
How you should be saying it: “ha-luh-peyn-yo”
11. Quinoa
How you’ve been saying it: “keen-owah”
How you should really be saying it: “keen-wah”
12. Jimaca
How you’ve been saying it: “jim-aka”
How you should really be saying it: “HEE-kah-mah”
13. Croissant
How you’ve been saying it: “krow-sant”
How you should really be saying it: “kwah-SOHNT”
14. Parmesan
How you’ve been saying it: “PAR-me-zahn”
How you should really say it: “PAR-muh-zahn”
15. Sherbet
How you’ve been saying it: “sher-bert”
How you should really be saying it: “sher-bit”