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How listening to my favorite podcasts calmed my anxiety

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FAU chapter.

Podcasts have become the new version of radios. They’re much more personable, and they don’t play the same damn songs during every break. Audiences also have much more freedom on what they want to listen to. It wasn’t until I discovered podcasting that I not only had something enjoyable to listen to, but I realized life wasn’t as scary as it seemed. 

1) When the kids go to sleep

Shay and Colette Butler have been vlogging their life on YouTube for more than five years. They are a loving family with five kids and they promote an optimistic lifestyle through their social media outlets. 

The couple still promotes positivity through their podcast, but with more honesty. The Butler family isn’t afraid to show their faults. Their mistakes show that they’re human and they make mistakes, some bigger than others, but in the end, they are an unbreakable close-knit family.

In their podcast, the tag-team couple tackles pressing topics such as family issues, politics, religion, and more. For instance, the Butlers belong to the Mormon church, but they never shove their faith down anyone’s throat. There is a sense of acceptance and comfort in the way the couple assesses the topic. The couple is so endearing the way they talk about each other and the world we live in, you can’t help but to walk away feeling a little bit better about the world. 

2) Slumber Party with Alie and Georgia

For any of you who watch the Cooking Channel, you should probably recognize Alie and Georgia. This best friend duo have been on multiple cooking shows together and hosted a few online episodes as well. 

What makes this podcast so charming is that they’re just two best friends having fun and enjoying life. Nothing is censored, so this podcast is raw and hilarious. It’s legit slumber party talk, like telling ghost stories or what is the highlight of your life so far.

Each podcast has a guest that’s worked in the entertainment industry (most of the time).  What’s really comforting about this podcast is hearing about people conquering real life experiences, like breakups or dealing with rejection from a dream job. This inspires me to face the world head-on, because not everything is as horrible as it seems. If these people can live through it and happily move on then so can anyone else!

If you’re looking for a heart warming, but also hilarious podcast, check out Alie and Georgia!

Listening to these podcasts have helped me through tough times. Just hearing someone talk about their past experiences and seeing how successful they are now is encouraging and makes me feel like I can take on the world! Just take it one step at a time, and we’ll all be just fine.

As an Italian American, food is a vital part of my life. I have an immense passion for film, sugary sweets, and storytelling.