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dessert wars

Three Reasons We’re Pumped for Dessert Wars Miami

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FAU chapter.

Some people go to comic book conventions. Others? Gaming or professional conventions. While all of those sound fine and dandy, I was over the moon to hear about the only convention in South Florida that would be able to satisfy my insatiable sweet-tooth. If we’re being totally honest, one of my New Years Resolutions this year was to eat more dessert. And while others may be busy hitting the gym, I’ve found the perfect opportunity to kick-off my year of dessert and it’s called Dessert Wars Miami.

Dessert Wars Miami is an annual event that is exactly what it sounds like- a dessert convention. This year, it is being held from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the FIU stadium on Saturday, January 21st.

With over 25 vendors handing out samples this year, it’s looking like I’m going to have to wear some baggy pants to this one. So, without further ado, here are ten reasons why we here at Spoon FAU are BEYOND pumped to go to Dessert Wars Miami: 

1. It’s a seriously great deal

Tickets are $20 per person, which may seem a little steep but is definitely more than worth it for what you’re getting. That $20 will get you twenty raffle tickets (which can be redeemed at booths for one ticket/sample), deluxe tastings, and unlimited coffee, cold milk, and water. Perfect for dipping all of the wonderful cookies you’ll be sure to encounter.

Plus, you also get a to-go box to make sure that you can get the most out of your twenty tickets, even if your eyes end up being bigger than your stomach. And, if you somehow still have room after the first twenty tickets, additional tickets will be available to purchase inside. 

2. The huge variety of participants

From customizable Nitrogen Ice Cream from Brain Freeze Lab to the best cupcakes in Broward County from the Cupcake Galleria or even fried Oreo’s from Circus Eats there’s no end to the possibilities of desserts you’ll encounter at Dessert Wars Miami. All I can say is that it’s a good thing I scheduled my annual dentist appointment for AFTER this event. 

3. It’s the perfect event for date night

Because when else would it be socially acceptable to skip dinner and stuff your face with at least twenty desserts over the span of two hours? Probably never. This is also the perfect time to test your compatibility with your significant other- in my honest opinion, if you can’t share a dessert you probably can’t share your life. #Sorrynotsorry

I don’t know about you, but I’m counting down the days until Dessert Wars Miami. If you’re still not convinced, check out the event gallery from last year here. While you may have to spend the rest of the weekend in a sugar coma, you can be sure that Dessert Wars Miami is a pretty sweet event that you doughnut want to miss.

Morgan is a recent graduate at Florida Atlantic University, with a degree in Biological Sciences. As a barista/shift supervisor and certified “Coffee Master” at Starbucks Coffee Company, she’s definitely got the inside scoop on all things caffeine. When she’s not busy impulse buying sushi mats and fondue sets on Amazon, you can usually find her testing out a new recipe in the kitchen (and crossing her fingers that the smoke alarm doesn’t go off). She makes a point to try to make dinner every single night, and rarely makes the same thing twice. Her dream kitchen includes an ice cream machine and an island with a built-in hibachi stove. Even though her degree is in biology, Spoon has helped her discover her passion for writing and editing, and hopes to land a job that allows her to use the social media and writing/editing skills that Spoon has taught her.