Yoga can benefit your body in numerous of ways- from aiding in the control of your breathing, to practicing relaxation and improving your balance. Here are 15 yoga poses that you should be doing every day to help your body recharge and feel less tense throughout the day.
1. Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Back pain is a common experience that many people have, the Bridge yoga pose is a fascinating way to overcome those intense pains. Doing the bridge pose allows your spine to stretch itself out creating flexibility all up and down the spine.
Not only does the bridge pose help with your spine but, it also opens up your chest. Opening your chest relieves aching of the upper back, and it also helps with your breathing by creating a better flow of air.
2. Downward Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
The Downward Dog pose is great for getting new oxygen towards your brain and allowing your body to calm down on its own. While also in this pose, your hamstrings will be getting a nice deep stretch!
3. Child Pose – Balasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Relaxation is essential to one’s body. The child pose helps relieves your back, hips, and neck by stretching and soothing them out all at the same time. During this pose, it is important to breathe.
4. Easy Pose – Sukhasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
The best three benefits of the Easy pose is 1) It helps you regulate your breathing, which is soothing for the body, 2) It stretches your hip wide open, and 3) It helps straighten your alignment in your back.
5. Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
The Warrior 1 pose is perfect for anyone who wants to open up their chest and feel a deep stretch in the shoulders in preparation for great posture. It also helps you focus on inhaling, and exhaling slowly while giving your body and mind the calmness it needs.
6. Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana II

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Like the Warrior 1 pose, Warrior 2 portrays the same exact benefits just with a slight twist. In Warrior 2 you want to focus your body on expanding nice and wide through your arms while making sure you regulate your breathing.
7. Triangle – Trikonasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
When doing the Triangle pose you need to alternate on both your left and right side. This pose helps your spine generate flexibility when you lean sideways, and it helps with pain in your neck. Also do not forget to have your shoulders align with one another when leaning.
8. Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Targeting your abdominal area and strengthening your arms along with your wrist is the key benefit of the Four-Limbed Staff pose.
9. Chair – Utkatasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
If you want to focus on your leg muscles by toning them up, the Chair pose helps with just that! This pose not only benefits your leg muscles but it also targets your calves and ankles.
10. Tree – Vrksasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
The Tree pose is very simple and it’s all about stability! During this pose it is important to remember to keep your posture straight, meaning keeping your back aligned and hips wide to feel a slight stretch. Also, the key to master this without falling is to have ALL the weight distribution on your standing leg.
11. Boat – Navasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Want to test out your core strength? Or fix your posture? The Boat yoga pose is specifically designed for these two things! When you align your legs straight out and have your chest up creating your back to be completely straight, your abdominal area is targeted- all around improving strength in the core area.
12. Crow – Bakasana

Photo by Vendela Nordberg
Balance is the key here to master the Crow yoga pose, it’s all in the wrist, forearms, and abdomen. Also, if you ever feel any slight pain within your hamstrings the crow pose helps stretch them out when you get into the lifting position for your legs.