Nothing can ruin a cup of coffee like someone lecturing you about its negative health effects. Luckily for all you coffee addicts out there, a study of the health benefits of coffee has recently been published in Hepatology.

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The study examined coffee consumption habits of 27,793 subjects, over 14,000 of which regularly drank coffee. They controlled for different factors including sex, age, race, education, smoking, and alcohol use.
The study focused on the blood levels of four different liver enzymes. They found that people who drink three cups of coffee a day were about 25% less likely to have unusual levels of those liver enzymes in their bloodstream. The results were similar for the subjects who drink decaf coffee.

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They also found that just one cup can counteract the negative cancer causing effects of three alcoholic drinks. Does this give us license to drink more coffee and more alcohol? That’s for you to decide.

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Even though there’s a significant correlation between coffee consumption and liver function, they have yet to pinpoint exactly what causes that effect. But I’m not all that concerned with the “why” as long as my liver enzymes are being kept in check.
So enjoy that steaming cup o’ joe and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about going for a second.

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