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How Beading Helped me Manage my Anxiety Disorder

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at F and M chapter.

“The start of something much bigger..”

This summer when I wasn’t working, I was slightly overwhelmed with all the  free time I had on my hands without schoolwork. I was coping with my anxiety disorder at school by getting into a routine of classes, meetings, homework, etc, and was bothered by my free time. As the summer progressed, I realized how I could take advantage of the free time. I saw an ad promoting Pura Vida’s online release of chokers and instantly I was inspired. The price was too steep to just simply purchase one, so I decided to try beading my own choker. Little did I know that this was the start of something much bigger than just a summer project. 

I used to bead in middle school, so I had all the jewelry supplies I needed: pliers, string/wire, beads, bead board, and clasps. I didn’t Google how to make a choker or look back in my old jewelry books; instead, I just started trying to figure it out on my own. I never expected that picking up my old hobby would lead me to selling my own jewelry; but, what I truly did not anticipate was just how much beading would help me with my anxiety disorder.

Photo courtesy of Tricia Oxford

“Beading is my creative outlet.”

For the past four years, I have tried to figure out what are some of the best ways for me to help relieve some of my stress. I’ve worked on eating healthier, running and working out, and regulating my sleep cycle. All of this has helped improve my mental health, but I think there is an important lesson to be learned about finding an activity that you can individually pursue. 

For the past four years, I have tried to figure out ways to relieve stress that work best for me. I’ve worked on eating healthier, running and working out, and regulating my sleep cycle. All of this has helped improve my mental health, but I think there is an important lesson to be learned about finding an activity that you can individually pursue.

Beading is my creative outlet. It does not involve screens, it is hands on, and it helps me relax. During the summer, I would sit with my friends and arrange my beads by color and style. Just this simple process of sorting started soothing my anxiety  because it gave me a mindless task to focus on. I then started to design different patterns and styles, and was pleasantly surprised with the progress of my pieces. When summer ended, I packed up my car with all my college gear and my jewelry essentials. My friends were all excited to wear my pieces and I was excited to teach them how to bead as well.

Photo courtesy of Tricia Oxford

Making time to relax in college is NOT easy, but it is super important to take your mind off of classes, homework, meetings, practices… you name it. But, taking time to focus on something you are genuinely interested in, teaching you the valuable ability to keep calm:  a skill that will help you throughout your life. I am lucky enough to enjoy beading so much that I make time every day to spend just at least a few minutes working on a necklace or other project.

I was overwhelmed with all of the positive feedback I was getting but it inspired me to take my beading to the next level. Now, my beading hobby is my little side business. I never expected to create Sideways Seeds or have so many friends support and inspire me. My anxiety has decreased because I am able to focus my mind on the positive energy and inspired me to work on a new goal. 

Photo courtesy of Tricia Oxford

“Take a few minutes…”

I love being able to set up a blanket outside and hang out with friends while also crafting. If I’m having a bad day, I take a few minutes to design some new chokers or bead. Beading is now not only a coping mechanism, but an activity that doesn’t add more stress to my life. While jewelry design and production may not be for everyone, I still truly believe that finding a hands-on or individual project can really help with stress. Making time for yourself and your goals is super important, especially if you are coping with stress . 

Anna Gombar

F and M '20