It’s summertime friends, which is code for ice cream season. Nothing beats a large scoop of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream, but that doesn’t mean it lacks stiff flavor competition—from Earl Grey Tea.
After much hesitation, I was persuaded by an employee in Whole Foods to buy a pint of Tea-riffic’s tea-infused ice cream. He was so enthusiastic in his description of the creative frozen treat, that I couldn’t help myself.
I had never tasted earl grey tea before, but thought to myself, “you can’t go wrong with ice cream, right?”
When I got home, I took a spoon out of the drawer and I dove right into the pint of Chunky London Mist, which Tea-riffic describes as, “The malty and citrusy notes of Earl Grey tea with a hint of vanilla, rich semi-sweet Belgian chocolate flakes and buttery roasted pecan chunks.” Can you say yum?

Photo courtesy of @gingercupcakes on Instagram
I wasn’t convinced after my first taste, but I was intrigued enough to have a second spoonful, and a third, and it was probably around my fourth spoonful that I thought, “damn, this is insanely good ice cream.”
It was a refreshing flavor profile that my taste buds had never encountered before and, I warn you, one that is highly addictive. With every spoonful, you taste the smoothness of the tea and with a lightness that will keep you coming back for more. Earl grey tea ice cream is officially and forever on my must-eat list.
Fast forward to a few weeks later: I was vacationing with friends in Los Angeles, California, when we stumbled upon McConnell’s Fine Ice Cream Shop. There, staring me in face was the flavor Earl Grey Tea & Butter Biscuits—a limited release flavor. I was SO impressed and excited that they had my new favorite ice cream flavor. As anticipated, it was totally delicious.

Photo courtesy of @mcconnellsicecreams on Instagram
It has been spotted again: Rooted in Philadelphia, Little Baby’s Ice Cream, serves an Earl Grey Sriracha ice cream flavor. Jessica, a Spoon HQ insider, claims it was “amaze.” And in addition to Little Baby’s two Philly locations, on Frankford Avenue and Catharine Street, they also have a weekly Sunday pop-up stand in Union Market, Washington, DC. They are now selling select pints in stores as well, including Earl Grey Sriracha, because “Ice cream is a feeling,” after all.

Photo Courtesy of @adriannemanpearl on Instagram
And again: Van Leeuwen Ice Cream, with shops and ice cream trucks located in NYC, Brooklyn, and L.A, creates an Earl Grey Tea ice cream too. In a recent review, someone wrote the earl grey is a “good choice for the summertime as it was refreshing and cooling,” and in another review, a woman exclaimed, “the earl grey stole my heart.” I completely agree, earl grey tea ice cream has definitely stolen my heart too.

Photo courtesy of @vanleeuwenicecream on Instagram
So, you better be on the look out, because it’s definitely time for you to try this incredible and innovative flavor of ice cream.