At least once in your life you must have heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But does it really? If you literally eat apples every day, will you REALLY not have to go to the doctor except for a routine checkup?
Whelp, whoever started that rumor… a big FU to you. I do applaud you for gracefully ending several arguments between my mom and I when I asked for a cookie, because what kid wants to go to the doctor? After years of being cheated out of my sweet treats and reading several studies, I have learned that an apple a day does not necessarily keep the doctor away. While the saying is partially true, do not be fooled.

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According to the AICR (American Institute for Cancer Research), apples contain one of the highest amounts of antioxidants. Along with these antioxidants, apples contain other phytochemicals (any biologically active compounds in plants) that act to “prevent cells from cancer-oxidative damage, prevent the start of cancer growth, stop continued tumor growth, and promote cancer cell death.” After several studies the AICR has concluded that “eating one or more apples per day was associated with lower risk for lung and colon cancer.”
A study done at The University of Ohio also found that eating an apple a day can reduce cholesterol levels. It was found that eating an apple a day “lowered blood levels of oxidized LDL – low-density lipoprotein, the “bad” cholesterol.” This study looked at the effects of several different remedies including green tea and tomato extract, but came to the conclusion that apples are the most effective at lowering oxidized LDL.

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So what’s to come from all of this? An apple a day does not literally keep the doctor away, but it definitely has major health benefits. Apples can help deter serious health risks and diseases. While you might not be able to keep the doctor away, it is found that those who eat an apple a day take less prescription medicines, so…an apple a day keeps the pharmacy away?
After learning the benefits of eating apples, I’ll definitely start incorporating them more into my everyday diet, but I still want all those sweets I was cheated out of as a kid.