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Why This Grandma Is Advocating for Marijuana Reform

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Elon chapter.

You’ve probably heard about the debate going on about marijuana, whether it should be legalized or not.  You’ve also probably heard the news about the states that have legalized it either medically and/or recreationally.

Politicians, religious leaders, and activists on both sides have gotten involved in the debate. Sue Taylor, a 69-year-old former Catholic school principal has joined the chat for the wellbeing of her fellow senior citizens. She has applied, along with several others, to open the fourth medical marijuana dispensary in Berkeley, California. If successful, Taylor’s store will be the first of its kind in the country.

Four years ago, Taylor started taking 1/8th of a cannabis gummy at night to help her back pain. Her positive experience has prompted her to now reach out to her community to help the grannies and gramps heal their pain. She speaks at her local senior centers, nursing homes, and churches.


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Of course, criticisms and negative responses come with the growth of legalized marijuana. Critics include anti-marijuana organizations along with the people of Taylor’s neighborhood, who are concerned with having a dispensary right around the corner.

Taylor’s response to all of this is her personal realization related to the drug: she too saw weed as a hard drug but now finds that all the medicinal and healing properties cancel out her former opinion. Additionally, Taylor points out that cannabis can help decrease the number of negative side effect-filled prescription drugs senior citizens take on a daily basis to combat the same issues.

If she can get the permits she needs to open up her own storefront, Sue Taylor will transform it into a comfortable health center stocked with a variety of pot products to meet the needs of the elderly.

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