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5 Things to Love About Stewart’s Brewing

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Edinburgh chapter.

If you’re tired of your local watering hole and in in need of a new drinking experience, the Stewart’s Brewing tour is the answer. A chance to get in touch with the roots of your favourite liquid gold, you might just find yourself in heaven. We certainly did.

Here are the top 5 reasons you want to make this trip.

1. The Learning Curve

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Photo by Nihal Passanha

The brewery is built on two foundations. high quality beer and high quality service. This is what makes their tour unique. The friendly staff guide you through their entire brewing process from the materials used to various processes involved to the way its packaged and delivered to you personally.. Each step is carefully explained in layman’s terms keeping the tour accessible. However it is thorough enough to keep the die hard brewer intrigued.

#SpoonTip: Each bottle is capped by hand, creating a special bond between brewer and drinker.

2. The Mission Centre

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Photo by Nihal Passanha

Walking into the actually brewing area is like walking into a supersized mad scientist’s lab. The massive metal silos, the assortment of various ingredients and the brand new 50 hecto-litre Bavarian brewkit all create the illusion of you being part of a great experiment.

3. The Shop

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Photo by Nihal Passanha

Welcome to the beer equivalent of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory. Standing in the middle of the shop you find yourself surrounded by all the beer you could want. Bottles, cans and kegs all around, this was my personal paradise. Not to mention all the quirky merchandise. The best part, it’s no too heavy on your wallet either.

4. The Tap that Keeps on Pouring

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Photo by Nihal Passanha

The first thing you’re handed when you begin the tour is your own pint glass and an all access pass to the taps that keep on pouring. Choosing from two types of beer on tap you’re encouraged to make sure your glass is never empty. To make things even better, a selection of their various ales, stouts and beers is presented for the guest to try. You’re probably going to want to leave your car at home.

5. The Beer

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Photo by Nihal Passanha

Amber Ales, Continental Biers, Dark Ales, Pale Ales, Stout, Czech Pilsners, Wheat Beers and Red IPAs. The list is endless. If you have a favourite type of beer, they have it. The brewery creates over twenty of their own types of beer. Each one as good as the next. On a personal note, the Cauld Reekie Stout is definitely the one to try.






Nihal Passanha

Edinburgh '17