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Faces of Students During Drake Relays Week, as Told by Bulldogs

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Drake chapter.

It’s for the best that we use these beautiful bulldogs to describe Drake Relays.

1. When you eat your last meal before you go out:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You are too ready for this. You’re stocked with food in your stomach because you know you’re going to be hammered by the end of the night. Cheers to avoiding hangovers.

2. When someone offers to buy you a drink:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You’re deeply flattered and check to make sure they were actually talking to you and not the other Bulldog in Hawaiian theme.

3. When you see someone you know, and you’re trying to act not drunk:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You’re trying to hide, but you’re so tired you don’t know if you can get up. You can do this.

4. When you’re drunk in your clothes from last night in class:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You’re in the middle of hiding your existence but trying to not pass out in class. It is the longest 50-minute lecture of your entire life. You pray your professor doesn’t call on you.

5. When you get that second wind at 2 a.m.:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You have just as much confidence as this Bulldog. Despite running on no sleep, you know this is a clear sign that you’re ready to have more fun.

6. Showing up to your 8 a.m. like:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

Not entirely sure what class you have, but hey you showed up so that’s really all that matters, right? You’re also still in theme from last night, and you aren’t sure whose sunglasses those are, but they are helping your hangover.

7.When Quad closes for the night:

Drake Relays

Photo by Beth LeValley

You really aren’t drunk unless you’ve gotten a quesadilla from Quad, and when you just missed closing time there really is nothing worse. Your friends try to comfort you, but you just aren’t having it. I guess you’re off to McDonald’s.

8. When the 800th person tells you to be safe this week:

Drake Relays

Photo courtesy of Beth LeValley

Hearing the rules and safety regulations so many times makes you want to pout like this bulldog.

Hello Foodies! I like you have a passion for writing and also food of course. I am a vegetarian/vegan student athlete at Drake University. I would love to share my recipes and not just for people with similar diets but to share the love for all kinds of food!