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FrenchToast Edit1

5 Food-Inspired Makeup Looks You Need for Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Drake chapter.

Feeling like your fall back-to-school look could use a little bit of an upgrade at this point? No need to worry—here are five food-inspired makeup looks to boost your confidence this fall. From pumpkin spice lattes to Thanksgiving dinner, I’ve got you covered.

1. Pumpkin Spice Latte

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

So we are starting off this adventure with a classic—PSL (note the basic messy bun #mylife).

food-inspired makeup tea beer
Beth LeValley

For the eyes, I wanted to bring out the pumpkin’s orange with some nutmeg-y eyeliner, and I used creamy white for whipped cream in the center. 

food-inspired makeup bread sweet
Beth LeValley

For the lips, we have the foamy coffee with a little bit of cinnamon sparkle. Apparently, I was just too excited about this one to keep my lipstick inside the lip liner, but I am still proud of that shimmering ombre! 

2. French Toast

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

Cinnamon french toast is my favorite way to wake up on a crisp fall morning, so I decided to give it a coveted spot on this very official list.

As you can see, for the eyes, we have the classic deep brown where the bread has soaked up all of that delectable cinnamon spice. (Guys, I’m getting hungry already…)

food-inspired makeup sweet
Beth LeValley

Here we have my all-time favorite lip (made up of eyeshadow, WHOOPS). I felt like a breakfast food goddess in this crispy golden-brown color.

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

I’ve never been so happy to wear food on my face.

3. Thanksgiving Dinner

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

I am so ready for Thanksgiving. Unlike most, my mom makes Thanksgiving-esque meals before the actual holiday, which amps me up even more for that beautiful day of bingeing.

food-inspired makeup tea
Beth LeValley

Through this look, however, I noticed myself getting into the Christmas spirit. I swear I thought green would be like the creamed spinach or green bean casserole but it looks like Yuletide cheer. At least the savory gravy-brown is holding strong. 

food-inspired makeup sweet
Beth LeValley

This is where it got out of hand. I originally thought that messy cranberry red with a little orange clove ombre would do well, but I felt like I was living in December already.

food-inspired makeup pizza cake
Beth LeValley

No matter, I felt hot AF and ready for a night at the club.

4. Chocolate Chip Cookie

food-inspired makeup tea
Beth LeValley

This one is my absolute favorite of the bunch. This look is dedicated to all of the parents and grandparents who have taken the time to bake me fresh cookies for when I came home from school in the fall.

You give me life, mom.

food-inspired makeup coffee tea
Beth LeValley

I definitely went a little excessive on the blush, but that’s what happens when I hear the word “cookies.” The ivory vanilla eyeshadow blends in with my pasty skin, but made me happy just knowing the name was so accurate to the food I was trying to embody.

food-inspired makeup coffee chocolate
Beth LeValley

The lip on this one is called Chocoholic by Maybelline and is my favorite lipstick in the world. I seriously felt like this cute little Candy Land creature.

Don’t forget take a moment and appreciate that artfully placed “chocolate chip” mole.

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

OMG I look so happy in this. Please try it and be a happy cookie lady with me.

5. Cabernet Wine

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

This one is a shoutout to all of the kickass stay-at-home parents in the world. Your job is the most difficult and I just want to give every single one of you an entire bottle of expensive red wine to #treatyoself for an afternoon. You amazing human beings make the world go ’round, especially during the fall.

food-inspired makeup tea
Beth LeValley

First off, this is a mix of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. Why? Because I’m an adult, and this is the color I wanted. In all seriousness, lipstick on the eyes does smudge a bit, so prepare for that. Transparent setting powder for next time, I’m thinking.

food-inspired makeup vegetable sweet
Beth LeValley

But I love this careless Cabernet lip. I felt like I gave zero cares and was going to be crazy attractive while I did it.

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

I felt so ready to be a strong woman and take on the world.

BONUS: Limited Edition Halloween Candy

food-inspired makeup
Beth LeValley

An amazing friend coined the term “witchy sparkle gothbomb” and it has changed my perspective on life. Halloween all year round, please and thank you.

I have been waiting so long for the orange and black candies that bless us this time of year. Break out the whitening strips, kids!

food-inspired makeup tea
Beth LeValley

Quick close-up of the eyes because I’ve never been so proud of my blending abilities.

Also, black lipstick looks good on everyone, so don’t be shy!

#SpoonTip: NYC’s City Proof eyeliner works super well as a lipliner for this. 

food-inspired makeup pizza
Beth LeValley

Thank you for joining me on this delectable face journey, friends. Stay tuned for more seasonal food-inspired looks that will keep you feeling fierce all through the year.

Christmas is coming and I am actually shaking with thoughts of sugarplums.

Right out of the womb, Isabelle's family knew she was going to have a passion for food. At the young age of 3, her unusual silence drew her mother's attention to the fridge (no surprise there) and found her eating a stick of butter. Since then, she has shown a great love for all things decadent. She enjoys attempting Pinterest recipes and loves to doctor up things like frozen pizzas, canned soup, and potatoes. Although Isabelle loves chocolate, she cannot have it just plain, because plain ANYTHING is boring, unless it's cheese. Isabelle hopes to be an international advocate to end hunger in poverty-ridden areas because no one should go to bed hungry.