Peeps – the adorable sugary chick that we all are guilty of stuffing the whole pack into our mouths as a child, and immediately regretting the painful stomach ache following from all the sugar. However, many may not be aware (I sure wasn’t) that Peeps no longer only come in the one classic marshmallow flavor. In fact, there are now over 40 different Peep flavors. Due to the fact I loved Peeps as a child, I decided to try out some of the new flavored Peeps and rated and reviewed each flavor.
10. Lemon Delight

Photo by Jamie Carroll
Given the fact that I’m not a huge lemon lover, I knew I probably wasn’t going to love this one, but, honestly, this flavor was by far the worst lemon-flavored thing I’ve ever eaten. I couldn’t even finish chewing it before I had to spit it out. Not to mention, this little Peep was dipped in lemon fudge – who even comes up with such an evil thing? Lemon and fudge? The lemon fudge is really what ruined this flavor.
Taste: 0/5
9. Blueberry Delight

Photo by Jamie Carroll
This Peep honestly didn’t have any flavor except for the creme fudge (vanilla flavored this time) that the Peep is dipped in. The only reason this flavor gets a slightly higher rating is because the creme fudge, on its own, is quite delicious.
Taste: 0.5/5
8. Mystery

Photo courtesy of Jamie Carroll
Honestly, I was extremely nervous before tasting this one. I could have bit into a deliciously-flavored marshmallow chick, like a Snickerdoodle cookie, or something completely unexpected, like buttered popcorn. Opening the packaging, a waft of a terrible Tootsie Roll-like smell flew out; the smell was nauseating.
At this point, I had to force myself to put the Peep in my mouth. For the first few chews, it really didn’t have much flavor. But when the flavor did kick in, it was quite abrupt and shocking and just not enjoyable. I’m pretty sure it was chocolate flavored, but don’t hold that one to me.
Taste: 1/5
7. Raspberry Delight

Photo by Jamie Carroll
Tasting this flavor, I honestly had no idea what it was. It did not taste like raspberry in the slightest. I will say it tasted more like blue raspberry than the actual blue raspberry flavor tasted. It still wasn’t great and didn’t taste like its flavor. It has also been confirmed that creme fudge should not be combined with any fruity flavor. Ever.
Rating: 1.5/5
6. Bubble Gum

Photo by Jamie Carroll
I hate the classic bubble gum smell – like the original flavored Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape, so I wasn’t looking forward to this flavor too much. I will admit, it didn’t end up tasting too terrible. In fact, it tasted just like an extremely squishy version of Hubba Bubba. The flavor wasn’t awful (and it certainly tasted as it was supposed to), but it also wasn’t something I would go out of my way to eat again.
Rating: 2/5
5. Blue Raspberry

Photo by Jamie Carroll
Blue Raspberry has always been a favorite candy flavor of mine, whether it’s Jolly Ranchers, Airheads, or Sour Laces. I was excited to try these Peeps, but as I did, I found they were way too sour. The Peeps had good flavor, but it was a very odd squishy consistency, to go along with the flavor. It is confirmed that two things that should just never go together are sour flavor and marshmallow.
Rating: 2/5
4. Strawberry Delight

Photo by Jamie Carroll
These Peeps smelt exactly like the Lifesavers Strawberry Creme Savers, that you probably tried at your grandmother’s house. They only had a slight hint of strawberry taste to them; I mostly could only taste the creme fudge on the bottom. One thing I’ve realized, is the fudge definitely makes the Peeps less squishy, which, in my opinion, kind of takes away from the best part of the Peep – the soft marshmallow that your teeth just sink right into.
Rating: 3/5
3. Sour Watermelon

Photo by Jamie Carroll
This Peep tasted exactly how it should – just like sour watermelon – think of a very, squishy Sour Patch Watermelon candy. For its spot on flavoring, I gave it a higher ranking. I did enjoy these ones, but not sure I could eat more than 1 or 2 of them. Side note: the inside is pink, not the usual white marshmallow color. I will say I was a little surprised at first, thinking something was wrong with them, but then I realized it was just Peeps being creative with the pink and green colors of a watermelon.
Rating: 4/5
2. Party Cake

Photo by Jamie Carroll
I honestly was really expecting a strong cake mix flavor for this – like Cold Stone’s famous cake batter flavor ice cream. So, with that in mind, my expectations were pretty high, and I’m glad to say, my expectations, for the most part, were met with these party Peeps. One of the few I’d probably purchase again in the future.
Rating: 4.5/5
1. Vanilla Delight

Photo by Jamie Carroll
Ding, ding, ding – we have a winner! Vanilla Delight takes the cake for the best tasting Peep. In fact, cake is exactly what this Peep tasted like. Opening the package, they smelt just like vanilla extract, but biting into it, this colorful Peep tasted (and looked) just like Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix. And the creme fudge on the bottom added a perfect touch of “vanilla frosting.”
Rating: 5/5
In the end, I would probably never eat most of these ever again, except I would recommend trying the Vanilla Delight – and get your hands on them now because they’re limited edition for this Easter season!
What I learned: Halfway through this, I really was regretting my decision to taste all these Peeps. I totally felt like I was going to vom (not sure if it was because of all the sugar rapidly being digested in a short amount of time or if it was a mixture of all the weird flavors). All in all, I recommend not tasting weird flavors of one of your favorite childhood candies, because now as I look at the Easter care package my parents just sent me, those original-flavored Peeps that I loved so dearly as a child, aren’t looking too appetizing to me anymore.

Photo by Jamie Carroll