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11 Best Food Gifts to Welcome Your Sorority Little To The Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Denison chapter.

The best part about sorority life is your “family.” When you’re in a sorority, you have a long (and I mean long) lineage of sisters. You’ve got your big, grandbig, great grandbig, and so on, until the point that you could probably name super great grandbigs that were in college when you were in a diaper.  

College is known as your “home away from home,” but your srat family members are really the ones giving you support, encouragement, and sometimes a necessary scolding. To the ladies who are moving up from being the baby in the family and receiving their first little, remember how special big sisters are. And get ready to shower your little in something every sister can bond over: food. Here are 11 of the best food gifts you can get your little to officially welcome her to the fam.

1. Milk Bar Birthday Cake 

If your little is a foodie like you, Reese’s and Kit Kat’s won’t cut it. Impress your little with the magic of Momofuku, whether you go big and get the birthday cake with candles that spell “lil” or stick with the delicious truffles. I know I’d be getting my little something from the Milk Bar, just in hopes that I could sneak a bite. 

2. Greek Tumbler

Your little’s gift basket would be incomplete if it didn’t include a Greek tumbler. How else can a sister show what srat she’s in if she doesn’t show up to class with a tumbler with her letters on it? Water (or post-party Gatorade) never tasted so good. 

3. A (Baby) Bottle 

You’re no longer the baby of the family, aka you now have someone to play practical jokes on. Stock up your little’s gift bin with a baby bottle (that’s not not filled with wine or booze) to make sure she knows she’ll be the runt of the baby jokes for the rest of the year. But what’s worse, being called a baby or a grandma?

4. A Coffee Shop Gift Card 

Secretly find out your little’s favorite coffee shop and get her a gift card. Your first food pun in the bin of gifts will be, “Your Big Loves You a Latte.” If you can’t find out her all time fave coffee shop, then Starbucks is probably a good guess. 

5. Champagne 

A celebration is incomplete without champagne. If you DIY your bottles to be fully glittered and shake em till they pop, it’ll be a bomb of glitter and champagne—basically the ultimate sorority Instagram moment. 

#SpoonTip: If anyone in your family is under 21, leave it to “the elders” in the fam to indulge. 

6. Sushi 

Another option if your little is a food snob like you: sushi. You can srat this one up by adding a little sign that reads, “I am SOY happy you’re my little.” Make sure to include extra soy sauce!

7. Goldfish 

snacks peanut butter butter
Kimberly Fu

You need to include some dorm friendly snacks and drunchies in the bin of fun for your lil’. Goldfish is a crowd pleaser and is even more perfect if you add a little note asking, “Will you “o-fish-alley” be my little?” The food puns just don’t stop. 

8. A Srat Cooler 

Blow your little’s mind by surprising her with a personalized cooler made by yours truly. Decorate all four sides with your sorority letters, colors, slogans, etc. It’s the perfect place for your little to store her drinks, or even all the food you got her. 

9. Lil’ and Big Straws 

Hands down, my favorite gift from my big was a pitcher full of straws. Not even the cute pitcher she gave me…just the straws. I don’t know what it is about them, but they make drinking so much more enjoyable when they’re shaped like this.

10. A Champagne Paddle 

Although I hate the idea of a paddle and am so against hazing, a paddle is the perfect template to make a cute champagne bottle for your little’s room decor. #SratLife

11. Assorted Candy

peanut butter cup candy Reeses
Emma Salters

Grab your little a big bag of assorted candy and add a little note telling her how sweet it is having her as your little. The bigger the bag the better! Hopefully she’ll share. 

Treat your little just like you would your real little sister, just minus the complaining. Let her borrow your clothes, use you for your car, and go on late night pizza runs together. Just like some of your best real family memories happen around the dinner table, the same will happen with your sorority fam.