Whether you’re trying to save some cash at the next music festival, avoid the lines at the bar, or just want to reminisce on those sneaky days back in High School when you had to hide your Smirnoff, we’ve got the hook up. This list of weird, but completely genius, alcohol-concealing gadgets will have even (drunk) you convinced its the real deal.Â
This one’s a festival classic. I mean think about it, that taste of sunscreen would be pretty hard to wash away, who would actually fill their sunscreen bottle with alcohol? But thanks to the internet, you can now buy an empty (and hopefully clean) version perfect for storing your favorite booze. Want to make this trick fool proof? Fill with Malibu Rum to replicate even the smell of sunscreen!
But thanks to the internet, you can now buy an empty (and hopefully clean) version perfect for storing your favorite booze. Want to make this trick fool proof? Fill with Malibu Rum to replicate even the smell of sunscreen!
2. Tampon Flask
This is for sure a fool-proof trick. I mean think about it, who would question a few tampons sitting at the bottom of your bag or pocket? And even if they did, who would want to touch a random strangers tampon? These reusable tubes come with sealable bags-almost identical to the real deal, no one will think twice (well, until you start taking pulls out of a tampon).
3. FlaskScarf
I don’t know about you but nothing makes me feel all warm and cozy like a nice, fluffy, VODKA FILLED, scarf. This amazing accessory offers both the comfort and style of an infinity scarf with the ultimate functionality of alcohol disguise. I’m no fashionista but this accessory will definitely be hanging in my closet this fall.Â
4. Wine RackÂ
5. Beer Beard
For those of you not cut out to strut around with a few tampon flasks in your pocket, I present to you the almighty beer beard. This disguise provides the benefits of both ultimate hair renewal and fool-proof design. So whether you’re looking for an accessory for your next theme party or simply looking to wow the people at the bar, consider the beer beard as your go-to.
Ok. This gadget truly speaks to me. Call me basic, but I love a good wine drunk; and I mean WOW- a bra that both fits an entire bottle of wine and gives you the same boost that $60 bra from Victoria’s Secret does? I’ll take any excuse to kill a bottle of wine, so count me in.Â
6. Flip Flop Flask
Oh Reef. First your revolutionary beer bottle-opening flops and now this. This tightly sealed flask is cleverly hidden in the comfort of your own shoes. This one will for sure fool any bystander and official alike. For those of you worried about leakage, don’t be, this innovative design is equip with some high-tech seals to insure your favorite booze stays safe.Â
7. Bev-Brush
Although today, the standard mode of photography is the iPhone, it is not uncommon to see people trying to be #Instaworthy and use a more high-quality approach. This vintage camera flask will have all your friends surprised by your sudden increase in artsiness while concealing that flask of Smirnoff.Â
8. Camera Flask
I don’t know about you but after a long day of work (or during), I could always use a drink. Brought to you by the inventors of FlaskScarf, I bring to you FlaskTie. This amazing invention will keep you looking professional while allowing you to let off some steam on the side. Look like business in the front, while having a party in the back!Â
9. Flask Tie
From tampons to beards, this list is your guide to your next festival, event, or typical Friday night out. Some more practical than others, but all equally as awesome. You’re sure to find something that fits your style. So next time you think about whipping out that flask you got as a graduation gift, ditch the basic gadget and give one of these a shot.
10. Baby-doll FlaskÂ