Did you hear? Netflix is coming out with a Gilmore Girls re-boot. Gilmore Girls fans of the world rejoice.

GIF courtesy of buzzfeed.com
It’s no secret that food was a huge part of the Gilmore life. When you’re binge watching the show in anticipation of the new episodes coming out, you have to eat like Lorelai and Rory. Stick with the Stars Hallow favorites.

GIF courtesy of tookieclothespins.tumblr.com

GIF coutsey of blog.thehoya.com
I dare you to find a single episode where the ladies aren’t drinking coffee. Whether it’s at Luke’s, at the Dragonfly, or at home Lorelai and Rory always have a cup of coffee in their hands. Coffee will help you get through those nights that you’re binge watching until 4am.

GIF courtesy of themovingknight.tumblr.com
The GIF really says it all. Pizza is everything to these ladies and it should be to you too. Doesn’t matter what you get on top, as long as its cheesy and delicious. When all your friends come over to watch a pizza, or six, is absolutely necessary.

GIF courtesy of tumblr.com
Or really anything sweet. Let’s not forget the time Lorelai and Rory watched Willy Wonka and got all kinds of candy. Or when Rory had to wallow over Dean and ate from a tub of ice cream. You get the point. The Gilmore girls don’t shy away from dessert.
Diner Food

GIF courtesy of theintroguide.blogspot.com
When the girls weren’t home, they were probably at Luke’s. Burgers, fries and pancakes were among the usual picks. Occasionally Luke made specialty items, like the Santa burger.

GIF courtesy of hercampus.com
The Gilmore family was not one to shy away from a drink especially at Friday night dinner. Sookie was also known to knock back a margarita from time to time. When you’re watching just be sure to follow Richard’s advice. #truth