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Ramendo at Tuck’s Byrne Dining Hall

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

Founder Yuto Tago wanted to bring the food he loved from home, Japan, to America by “providing the people in America with a way to access quality ramen and become a ramen master.” Ramendo is the result of this tasty mission. With the easy and accessible ramen station at Byrne dining hall (not to be confused with the Byrne dorm in the McLauglin cluster), Yuto is most definitely introducing students to the culture of ramen.


Photo by Sharon Cho

When approaching the counter to order, you will be asked to select your preferred noodles: Hakata Noodles, which is chewier, or Tokyo Noodles, which is firmer. Next, you need to choose your broth. Personally, my favorite is the pork broth, but you have the option of a miso broth or even half miso & half pork broth.

With the foundation of the ramen complete, toppings can be added into the mix. Chashu pork, aji-tama egg (a personal favorite of one of our writers!) and vegetables are all available and it is recommended to try them all to add depth of flavor to your ramen. If you want an extra egg or extra pork, you will have to pay extra. People love it so much – Ramendo cannot have it be a free-for-all!


Photo by Sharon Cho

After your ramen is served, you have the option to personalize it by adding minced ginger, green onions, chili sauce, seaweed, flavor oil or base sauce. This is your chance to be the mad scientist you always wanted to be.


Photo by Sharon Cho

Each individual ingredient of the ramen tastes phenomenal, but my only qualm is the arrangement. The ramen is served in portable tall cups to accommodate students’ busy lives. However, this creates a layered effect, which makes it difficult to enjoy the various ramen elements together. Because this is a fast casual dining experience, ingredients may not necessarily be carefully placed into the ramen. Aside from this, for $7.95, I still think this is an exceptional deal.


Photo by Sharon Cho

Ramendo is definitely making quite a splash in the Dartmouth dining scene. To further its mission of spreading ramen, it has held ramen seminars to introduce students to the intricacies of ramen.

Their last day of service is Tuesday, May 13, so be sure to stop by to get ramen while you still can.


Location: Byrne Hall, Tuck Mall, Hanover, NH 03755
Hours of Operation:
 Tue. 11am-2pm, 5:30pm – 7:30pm