Do you like food?
Are you work study eligible?
Are people constantly complimenting you on your ability to Foco?
If you answered yes to all three, you would be perfect for the new ’53 Commons Delivery Service team.
If not, then you would be the perfect customer for the new ’53 Commons Delivery Service.

Photo from Dartmouth College website
This spring, administration is funding a new program to ensure students do not go hungry when they are sick or just hungover from the night before. For just $5 (payable in DA$H) and a meal swipe, students will soon be able to place Foco-To-Go orders online and have them delivered straight to their dorm.
“There were days this winter,” says Kelsey Kittelsen ’17, “when I would have killed for Foco cookies, but I just couldn’t get myself to brace the cold.”
For Kelsey, and thousands like her, the ’53 Commons Delivery Service could be life changing. No longer will students be forced to trek through the sometimes heartless Hanover weather in order to satisfy their nutritional needs.
While all Dartmouth students will benefit from the convenience of the ’53 Commons Delivery Service, the greatest benefit will arguably stem from the talents of the deliverers themselves. These deliverers will go through intense nutritional training in order to provide students with not only a delicious meal, but a balanced one.
“I’ve been at Dartmouth for three years now and I have yet to conquer Foco-To-Go,” confesses Stephanie Abbott-Grobicki ’15. “I don’t know how people do it. I see people walking out with these containers packed to the brim, and I can’t help but be jealous of their success.”

Photo from Dartmouth College website
Luckily, soon Stephanie will be able to experience a truly wonderful meal from a Foco-To-Go container. Students are already undergoing training to become part of the ’53 Commons Delivery team. The service is scheduled to be available throughout campus Easter weekend. The management team at ’53 Commons is expecting Easter Sunday, April 20th 2014, to be an extremely successful launch.
Keep a look out for a blitz notifying you that registration for the service has been open 19 days after April Fool’s Day. Wait, did you just read what you think you read? Unfortunately, you will have to brave the residual winter cold a bit more for food. Don’t worry, spring is around the corner.