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A Classy Old Time: Amarna’s Wine & Cheese

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

The dimmed and glowing lights set the stage. The party was a time machine, taking the guests out of the present and back into the era of smooth jazz and smoother wine. Sounds of Sinatra lazily flowed through the air as people dressed to the nines milled about in the glowing rooms trying this cheese with that wine, mingling with friends new and old. Amarna house members warmly welcomed guests into their home and showed them around the cozy house. Amarna’s famous Wine & Cheese event had begun.

Amarna Wine and Cheese Event

Photo by Josh Renaud

Every academic term at Dartmouth, Amarna Undergraduate Society hosts a slick soirée entitled Wine & Cheese to bring a little class back to the nightlife of Dartmouth. Students are encouraged to dress up in their swankiest threads and come enjoy a variety of wines (for those over 21, naturally), as well as the dozen or so specialty cheeses set up around the house. Every cheese plate comes with a clear name tag and complimentary crackers are always within arm’s reach. Best of all, everyone on campus is invited!

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As Wine & Cheese wore on, the Sinatra and Darin faded into Beyoncé and Jepsen. Students were packed into every corner of the first floor, laughing and posting #swankyselfies to the social media of their choice. The piles of cheese got smaller and smaller as the flowing tap started to ebb. The baked brie with honey proved to be the most popular item of the night: the 12-inch wheel didn’t make it past the first hour. By midnight, most guests had filtered out, off to explore the Hanover night. The trip into a classier past had ended, the time machine shelved away until the next Wine & Cheese.

Amarna Wine and Cheese Event

Stay tuned for an in-depth article on the specialty wines and cheeses Amarna showcased!