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12 Drinks That Help You Cope With Weather Throughout The Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

The past two weeks have effectively spanned all four seasons, going from a high in the 70s to a low in the 30s with snow. And these huge fluctuations in weather have left students feeling lost and unstable, waking up every morning uncertain of what season it’s going to be that day.

Should you wear shorts and sip an iced latte as you sunbathe on the Green? Or will you have to depend on your trusty Bean boots, Canada Goose and extra-hot tea as you fight against the brutally cold winter wind on your way to class?

That’s where Spoon comes in: we’ve compiled 12 beverages that’ll help you get through this weather apocalypse. So when you wake up tomorrow morning and see that it’s snowing (again), you won’t be left floundering.



Photo by Lara Schwieger

1. Cold Brew Iced Coffee

Because as midterms pick up, we need our coffee, but we want it cold. Yes, you could grab a drink from KAF or even Novack, but why would you when you could make your own iced coffee as a study break?


Photo by Yonatan Soler

2. Mint Lemon Soda

The addition of mint adds a little maturity to this twist on Sprite. It’s perfect for spring and makes us excited for summer.


Photo by Yonatan Soler

3. Homemade Almond Milk

Everyone says that January is the time for making resolutions, but in reality spring seems to be more accurate. With the prospect of summer around the corner, we attempt to start working out again to undo all the damage we did to out bodies in the cold winter months. This homemade almond milk can aid you on your journey to that coveted beach bod—it’s healthy, tasty and surprisingly easy to make.



Photo by Lara Schwieger

4. Watermelon Mint Agua Fresca

If this doesn’t scream summer, I don’t know what does. Just its name makes me think of palm tree-lined beaches and ocean waves. I need one, stat.

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Photo by Talia Acosta

5. Banana Smoothies

Because bananas make every smoothie infinitely better. You could make these yourself, or you could use them as inspiration for your next Collis smoothie order. Either way, they’re the perfect companion for a warm day of studying on the Green.


Photo by Stephanie Nguyen

6. Frozen Matcha Green Tea Smoothie

Whenever you’re given the option of getting a drink frozen, always say yes. Although this drink isn’t the traditional pina colada-esque summery drink, it’s delicious, refreshing and much more affordable than KAF green tea lattes. Plus, you avoid the inevitably awkward situation of trying to move out of people’s way while waiting for the KAF employees to hand you your drink.


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Photo by Dara Ades

7. Pumpkin Milkshake

What else says “quintessential fall drink” like pumpkin-flavored anything? Add more spices—cinnamon, nutmeg, even star anise—to make it taste even more like fall. On a windy day, this would be the perfect drink to have next to you as you work safely indoors.

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Photo by Anika Schaedle

8. Mulled Wine

There’s definitely a theme here: with fall temperatures comes spice-infused drinks. Not that I’m complaining, of course. This drink, made of wine infused with spices and other delicious ingredients, is MDF-approved, so you don’t need to feel guilty drinking it.

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Photo by Sarah Wu

9. S’mores Latte

Throwback to Freshman Trips, when we all thought we were going to tell campfire stories and roast marshmallows around the fire, but ended up telling embarrassing stories from middle school and inhaling Annie’s Mac instead. This drink is the Trips food you wish you had (not that there’s anything wrong with Annie’s Mac), and reminisce over the memories of those days before classes and #academicrigor.


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Photo by Katie Luchette

10. Hot Toddies

When you start feeling sick, this is the perfect drink to warm you up. Although the drink has alcohol, with MDF in place you can also take out the bourbon and swap in chai tea instead of black tea. Either way, it’s bound to make you feel better.

hot cocoa

Photo by Rachael Hsu

11. Spicy Hot Chocolate

Believe it or not, cayenne pepper flakes and hot chocolate are incredible together. I often make instant hot chocolate and add cayenne pepper flakes, and it adds a bit of zing to the classic childhood drink. To make it even more luxurious, this recipe uses quality ingredients (although Swiss Miss is fine too). Regardless, it’s sure to comfort you when you wake up one morning in May and you realize it’s snowing.

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Photo by Karina Rao

12. Frozen Hot Chocolate

The drink that spans winter and summer at the same time: frozen hot chocolate. As the El Paso girl said best, “por qué no las dos?”

Hopefully, these drinks will help you deal with the unstable mess that is the current weather. But if not, just hold out a little longer—though it might not seem like it now, summer (and Green Key!) is right around the corner.

Still thirsty? Check out these other must-try drink recipes:

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Ziqin Yuan
