Smirnoff “Icing” has become extremely popular among everyone from frat bros to office Joes. The rules are simple. If someone presents you with a Smirnoff Ice, you have to get down on one knee and chug it, no matter where you are or what you are doing. And you better not deny that Ice, lest you want to look like a total d-bag.

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Over time, people have gotten more creative with how, when, and where they present their Ice. Here’s a list of some of the most hilarious ways you can Ice your next victim.
1. The Incognito Ice

Photo courtesy of @heatherbonia on Instagram
Hide an ice in your friend’s favorite drink. If it’s coffee, put the ice in a French press or a mug big enough to hold a can. Another good incognito Ice can be achieved by getting a large empty can of your friend’s favorite drink and cutting out the bottom. Then, slide the hollow shell over a bottle of Smirnoff Ice. When your friend goes to reach for the can, it will slide off, and the Ice will be revealed. BOOM.
2. The Dab Ice

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Dabbing, a popular dance move, is a funny way to introduce your Ice. The execution is simple: show off your best dab with an Ice in hand, and present it with flare. The key here is to perfect your dab before embarking on this trendy icing action. I recommend practicing in a mirror and looking for dab tutorials on YouTube to prevent an embarrassingly bad dab from ruining this opportunity.
#SpoonTip: Dab on the drop of song for an extra bit of style.
3. The Wedding Whammy Ice

Photo courtesy of @ken_kienow on Instagram
Ladies, wait until your wedding to attach an Ice to your garter for a priceless reaction.
4. The Bookworm Ice

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This Ice may take a bit of extra preparation, but it’s so worth it. Take a book, cut out enough room for an Ice to fit comfortably without being obvious when the book is closed, and present it to your victim. This can be executed everywhere from the library, to class, or the workplace. Nonetheless, your victim will never see it coming.
5. The Bathroom Bomb Ice

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Everyone knows the point in your night out where you feel the most drunk is when you are in a bathroom stall. Alone. So, why not take this opportunity to hit your friends with an Ice? You can approach this a few ways. You can roll the bottle under the stall while they’re in there, leave it in a bathroom for them to see when they walk in, or get really creative and use plastic wrap to display it in all its glory.