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How to do friendsgiving if you’re the lazy friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CUA chapter.

It’s that time of the year again, the time when all your friends will want to gather round and share what they are thankful for over some turkey cooked in the residence hall oven. For some this is their opportunity to display their culinary skills and shine in the kitchen, but for those of us who wouldn’t categorize cooking as one of their finest skills, friendsgiving can be hard. 

If you couldn’t tell from the title of this article, I am the second type of friend. While friendsgiving is always an event that I enjoy and am willing to contribute to, I am not always up to facing a challenge in the kitchen only to have one of the prime Thanksgiving staples end up in the trash. 

So this year while preparing for our Spoon CUA friendsgiving I said “Yeah, I’ll make something for friendsgiving as long as it’s something easy and I can’t ruin it” And that’s how I got assigned to make stuffing out of a bag (I only struggled minimally). 

Stuffing out of a bag was something that I has no clue existed until I found myself in front of a shelf at Whole Foods trying to decide which kind to purchase. I opted for the traditional organic 365 brand stuffing which I scored for the reasonable price of only $3.49 (thanks Whole Foods)! My next task would be to take to the kitchen and make this stuffing happen.

Step 1

The first step was just to boil water and mix butter into it until it melted. This was easy enough, just put 1 3/4 cups of water and 6 tbsp. of butter in a pot until boiling.

Emmrick McCadden

Step 2

After the water and butter are boiling you pour the 365 Organic Stuffing Mix into the pot and mix away! 

Emmrick McCadden

Step 3

Once the contents of the package are fully mixed with the water and butter, you just cover the pot and remove from the heat and let sit for five minutes to finish cooking.

Emmrick McCadden

Step 4

Once you’ve done all of this, you simply transfer your stuffing into the dish of your choice and voila, Happy Friendsgiving! You’ve just made one of the Thanksgiving staples. Friendsgiving wouldn’t have been able to happen without you and your stuffing.

Emmrick McCadden

For those who want to be an overachiever…

If you’re really feeling crazy grab some of Whole Foods 365 brand Organic Turkey Gravy and pop it into the microwave for a few minutes, and now you’ve just made not one, but TWO Friendsgiving dishes! Happy Thanksgiving friends! 

Emmrick McCadden

Happy Friendsgiving!

So there you have it, a friendsgiving dish that pretty much anyone could make. It may not be Grandma’s homemade stuffing (or is it dressing??), but chances are it was probably way easier to make (and doesn’t taste half bad either). So when it’s your turn to cook something at your next holiday party hit up Whole Foods and they can surely help you out with some simple and cheap foods that will be a hit at any party this season! 

Emmrick McCadden

Hi, I'm Emmrick. I'm a lover of food, photography, and fashion. I'm currently studying Media and Communications at The Catholic University of America in our Nation's Capitol, but I will always call Baltimore home. You can find me eating my way through D.C., taking photos of everything, and riding my horse Rio.