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5 Things Every Off-Campus Commuter Hates Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CUA chapter.

Dorms and meal plans are expensive, so some students choose to live off-campus or at home while going attending college. They brave the highway, the bus, or the train to get to class. At Catholic University, many students use the DC Metro Rail to get to and from campus, including myself. And sometimes, I’m just tired of hearing all of these questions when it comes to my daily commute.

“Why didn’t you eat breakfast before class?”

I like to sleep, okay? Usually, my morning choices are between everything and breakfast. Makeup or breakfast? Matching clothes or breakfast? I know that I could wake up 5 minutes earlier and shove a granola bar in my face, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. That’s why commuters get so frustrated about breakfast. So for all you commuters who feel rushed in the morning. You can check out these pretty sweet breakfast recipes.

“It’s 65 degrees and sunny, why do you have a coat and an umbrella?”

Listen. When I walked to the bus stop two hours before you were even awake, it was 20 degrees outside. The forecast predicted rain. Now I’m overheating and look like a crazy person in my winter coat while swinging my bright green polka dot umbrella around. 

Dressing for the wrong weather always sucks. Sandals in the rain, boots in the heat, forgetting a scarf— yes, we are aware that we look like idiots. No, we do not have convenient dorms to go change. We are just very uncomfortable and full of regrets.

“Don’t you get sick of living with your family?”

The short answer is yes. Living at home comes with a set of specific responsibilities, including helping out around the house, cooking, and actually socializing with your family. I have to check in with my parents if I’m going out after class, and call them if I’m out past a certain time—by which some of my classmates are appalled (but hey, free housing AND food.)

After a stressful day, however, I get to go back to my cat, my bed, home-cooked meals, and an unceasingly supportive family. So the long answer is no. 

“Can you bring *insert name of incredibly heavy thing* to campus?”

Don’t even bother. 

“Why were you late?”

After screeching like a pterodactyl for a bit, your friendly commuter will probably go on a tirade about the Metro and its sins. I’m lucky to only live about 30 minutes from campus, but others have hour-long hauls, during which any number of crazy things can happen. For general reference, please observe the following list of possible causes of tardiness:

1. Bus never showed up

2. Didn’t feel like running after the bus

3. Had to shake off a Creep

4. Aforementioned Creep didn’t leave, had to involve security

5. The Disappearing Train™

6. ?????

7. (Unannounced) single tracking

It could go on forever.

In general, commuting is great. We get the college experience from the comfort of our own homes. It does have its downsides, as public transportation is a magical place of oddities and wonders, but through that, commuting creates a group of hardy, street-smart people that never eat breakfast.