Germs are everywhere, and because of that getting sick in college is pretty much inevitable. Whether it’s seasonal allergies, traveling, living in the dorms, or just a tired immune system, it can be hard to stay healthy. These natural home remedies will save you trips to the doctors and get you back to your normal, healthy self in no time.
1. Garlic

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Garlic is seriously amazing. Its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties make it the queen of home remedies. If you start to feel a sore throat coming your way, start eating raw garlic. If you are dealing with bad allergies, eat raw garlic. If you have a cough or respiratory infection, eat raw garlic. Basically, raw garlic is probably the answer. Yes, it sounds disgusting, but it can make you feel 10X better after just 24 hours. Garlic also helps with skin conditions due to the anti-fungal properties and it can prevent future infections if you increase your intake regularly. Worried about the smell? Drinking green tea can help eliminate that odor and lingering taste in your mouth.
2. Peppermint

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Migraines can ruin your day, especially when they come along with a head cold and congestion. The best way to beat the pain is with peppermint oil. Taking a few drops of the oil and massaging your temples will not only smell and feel incredible, but peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe your nerves. It doesn’t end there, when you drink peppermint in tea, it can help soothe an upset stomach, cramps and irritable bowel. Steep natural peppermint in hot water and drink away. It tastes better than a store bought peppermint tea, and it’s cheaper.
3. Dandelion

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Yes, those annoying weeds that you always try to kill from your yard could actually be your savior. Next time you are getting rid of them, collect these little edible flowers and make them your go-to for everything. You can make a dandelion infused olive oil for arthritis or inflammation or just eat the flower. The flowers are high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other nutrients. The root is also a great detox for the liver, and will flush any excess toxins away. Try it in a salad and thank me later.
4. Tea Tree Oil

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Similar to garlic, tea tree oil is a champion in the home remedy world; its nickname as a “cure-all” treatment method is no lie. It can be used for almost any topical infection and disease. You can make tea-tree oil lotions, shampoos, household cleaners, deodorant, and even toothpaste but be careful; it’s poisonous if digested. You can also add tea tree oil to a humidifier or diffuser to help with earaches and congestion.
5. Ginger

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Motion sickness, morning sickness, hungover, sluggish digestion? It doesn’t matter, nausea makes us all want to curl over and die. Have no fear; ginger is here. Nausea seriously stands no chance against ginger. There are many compounds found in ginger that once digested will stop the nausea-inducing chemicals in their path. Ginger has been proven to help with anything your stomach can’t handle. You can take it as a supplement, tea, or even in a chew form.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is the key to success. Adding a few teaspoons to some hot water will go a long way. Seriously, don’t go overboard with this stuff. Drinking too much vinegar can be rough on your insides, but small amounts will do wonders. It helps with balancing your digestive system, clearing up your skin, whitening your teeth, and can even save you from a sore throat and break up sinus congestion.
7. Turmeric

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Honestly, everyone needs to be increasing their turmeric intake. Turmeric has so many incredible benefits to the body that it would be stupid for us not to take advantage of it. It’s most commonly known as the “Queen of Spices”. What’s in turmeric that makes it so amazing? Curcumin. Though it sounds odd, curcumin has been proved to increase lifespan, kill fungus, induce tumor cell death, and kill lung and bladder cancer cells. Turmeric is great to help prevent cancer, regulate diabetes, reduce cholesterol, heal wounds, and boost immunity. Try adding turmeric to your daily recipes to give yourself an extra all-around health boost.
8. Clove oil

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If you have ever experienced a toothache you understand the pain that comes along with them. Let’s not forget the lovely dentist trip too. Luckily, clove oil exists. Gargling with a diluted mixture of clove oil and water can help with toothaches, dental pain, sore gums and even prevent bad breath. You can also apply clover oil topically and it will help certain skin problems like acne, wrinkles, sagging skin and warts.
9. Parsley

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Another bad breath beater, parsley will freshen your breath for up to 3-4 hours. For all you smokers, and garlic lovers, this is key. It works way better than any gum you could buy and its natural. Not only that, but it also works wonders on bruises and inflammation. Freeze it in ice cubes and rub the ice cubes over the damaged area. You can also drink parsley tea to help increase urine flow. This can help if you are suffering from a UTI or prone to them. The more urine you pass, the more bacteria leaving your body; which can be perfect after a weekend of drinking. Essentially, parsley should be every college student’s best friend.
But remember, these at-home remedies are not cures. If you’re really feeling sick and none of these have helped, consult with your doctor.