Boss Lady Pizza, or BLP for short, is in a prime location on the University Hill. It’s right next to The Fox Theater, which makes it a perfect spot to find a slice right after a concert. BLP is known for it’s crazy pizza topping selections as well as being open as late as possible. Here are the 5 reasons we narrowed down why we are obsessed with Boss Lady.
1. The Funkiest Slices in Town.

Photo courtesy of @haotheheck on Instagram.
This spot has some of the craziest names for slices you’ve probably ever heard of. Some include “The Ron Swanson”, “Hot Pocket”, “Walter White”, and “MoFo Hawaiian”, just to name a few. Don’t believe me? Check out their menu online.
2. You Can Have Your Pizza for Dessert.

Photo courtesy of @_jessiet on Instagram.
Yes, that’s an actual close-up of the “S’more” pizza, and it’s amazing. If you didn’t think you could ever enjoy chocolate and sugar smothered on a pizza, think again. The “Cookie Monster” is our favorite, which is basically cookie dough and chocolate chips on a pizza complete with cream cheese icing. You can even order a delicious “Pop-Tart” slice.
3. They’re Open Late on the Weekends.

Photo courtesy of @heidiemily on Instagram.
That’s right, BLP is the perfect place to get your late night fix. Especially after a night out and you just need a couple slices to soak up all that alcohol in your stomach. Thursday through Saturday, BLP is open until 2:30 AM.
4. Special/Seasonal Pizza’s.

Photo courtesy of
A lesser known fact about BLP is that they have been known for their creative and special pizzas every once in a while. One year around Halloween the “Count Snackula” slice was featured, which had a pumpkin pie base filling, chocolate chips, marshmallows, pretzels, and chocolate syrup drizzle on top. Who knows if it will ever resurface again, but we can guarantee BLP has some tricks up their sleeves.
5. Bossy Sauce.

Photo courtesy of @saracarangelo on Instagram.
The queen of all sauces is BLP’s “Bossy Sauce”, which some say is even better than Cosmo’s Spicy Ranch. Don’t worry, if you don’t like Bossy Sauce you can always get regular plain ol’ white sauce, but you’re really missing out on the whole Boss Lady experience. We always ask for extra…