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Top Five Reasons Why You Should Join Spoon University at CSUN

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CSU Northridge chapter.

My fellow foodies, gather around. There is such a thing as mixing business and pleasure. That medium is called Spoon University, and it’s coming soon to CSUN! If you love taking insta-worthy #foodporn pics, discovering the best taco spots in the valley on a late-night, or going to events with free food, you should definitely join Spoon University at CSUN.  

Spoon University is a global community of food lovers coming together to write, produce, and share ideas about college life, recipes, adulting hacks, and so much more. It’s a media website written by college students, for college students.

Even though joining a club and taking responsibilities can be a bit scary, here are three great reasons why joining Spoon University at CSUN will be the best adult decision you ever made.

1. You love food already

Obviously, that’s why you clicked on this. You weren’t looking for a tapestry or face mask; you saw food and said: “say less.” Lucky for you, we’re all about it! Spoon created a whole website just about food, and then hundreds of schools created chapters just about food. You’ll have the opportunity to review your favorite local restaurants and coffee shops that you can share on the gram (@csun_spoon) and twitter (@csunspoon) You can even explore a variety of healthy study snacks and so much more. The possibilities are endless!

2. It looks amazing on your resume

I’m looking at you journalism, multimedia, marketing majors, and everyone interested.

You’ll be a part of building a media site from the ground up! The sky is the limit. If you join Spoon University at CSUN, we will teach you all the skills you need to be a successful part of the team. We write, record, and market all of our content by ourselves. The best part is, if you Join Spoon University at CSUN, you’ll get to have your name published online.

Always wanted to try your hand at producing video content but never knew how? We got you. Always wanted a chance to channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw? We got you.

3. Meet and collaborate with people who share your passions 

College isn’t all about the grades you get, it’s about who you know. You’ll get to make a ton of cool new friends on campus and interact with Matadors at any events you want to put on this upcoming semester. What better way to reconnect with our Matador fam than to plan something fun and reminisce over our funny zoom stories? 

4. It gives you something to do during quarantine

The world changed so fast in March. School is online now (shoutout Zoom University), sports are cancelled, and a bunch of us are stuck at home finding ways to keep ourselves occupied while we practice safe #socialdistancing.

Creating content for Spoon is not only a great way to stay busy, but it also helps fill a void where opportunities are scarce for the time being. Some clubs and internships are postponed, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on building up your resume. You don’t have to go outside your house and spend money; all you need is your imagination and a space to write.   

5. You get celebrity status (sort-of)

Who are people going to ask to settle the beef between Bon Bon Teahouse and Boba My Tea? Who is going to rate the salads at Arbor Grill from best to worst? You! With over 250 chapters worldwide and thousands of Instagram and Twitter followers, your articles have the possibility to be shared by matadors and spoonies worldwide. The price of that clout? Free. 

Since we are a new chapter, we are looking to fill all positions: a Marketing Director, a Photo Director, writers, photographers, and marketers.

If you’re ready to live out your foodie influencer dreams, you can apply here. If you have any questions, you can DM us on Instagram and Twitter, or email us at csunspoon@gmail.com for more information 🙂 

Diane Zermeno

CSU Northridge '21

Hi There! I'm a third-year studying Broadcast Journalism at CSUN .I love all things meme-related (RIP Vine, but hello tik tok), I am a non-apologetic coffee addict, and I spend way too much time tidying up my Mini Cooper named Shakira.Follow me on this journey of discovering the world around me through college and odysseys filled with food (and memes)!