In case you weren’t aware, Valentine’s Day is upon us. You’ll hear all of those couples or would be couples saying and doing lots of super adorable, Instagram worthy things for other people. Let me be the first to say you’ll begin to hate some of the following food words because you’ve heard them so much.

Photo by Phoebe Melnick, BU Spoon
1. Sugar/Honey/Sweetheart/Any Variation of Something Sweet
Everyone seems to be in an extra special lovey-dovey mood when it comes close to the red, pink, and purple holiday. In order to show there love for their significant other, a lot of people will be saying some pretty sweet nicknames to go along with some delicious desserts.

Photo by Spoon University
2. Spoon
No one wants to hear the word spoon one more time in relation to what your favorite cuddling position is. Warning: There will be a lot of spooning on V Day whether you like it or not. The only good part about the word “spoon” is that you have an awesome place to find some super cool foodie Valentine’s Day ideas.
3. Breakfast
Usually followed by the phrase “in bed.” You don’t really need (or want) to hear any more.

Photo by Charlotte Hull, Berkley Spoon
4. Olive
While you’re sipping at your martini, you might innocently be thinking of the lonely olive sitting at the bottom of your glass. I promise you that there are a number of couples at that very moment saying, “I love you,” which sounds strangely familiar to “Olive you.” Maybe you are a fan of puns or it’s the martini talking. Whatever it is, you’re going to hate the word by the end of the night.
5. Chocolate
The number of times you hear someone talking about the chocolate they bought for their significant other will be exponential. You’ll hate hearing it for the day, but at least there will be a massive sale the day after Valentine’s Day.

Photo by Northwestern Spoon
6. Dates
You’ll be hearing about all of the dates (and not the deliciously yummy kind) that people are going on Valentine’s Day. Dinner? Romantic evening walk? Just you, Netflix, and pizza? The possibilities are endless.

Photo by Christin Urso, Texas Spoon
7. Lobster
Yes. We all want that Rachel and Ross moment of “OMG. He’s her lobster.” You will be hearing a lot of that. On the plus side though, lobster is an aphrodisiac.
8. Thirsty
Fortunately, Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday night, which is prime party time. AKA a lot of the single people of the world who aren’t ironically watching “Valentine’s Day” on V Day itself will find themselves out and about. And most likely thirsty (and it’s not even Thursday). In case you were wondering though, here are a few irresistible recipes for this Valentine’s Day.

Photo by Maggie Gorman, NU Spoon
9. Peas
Because every couple you see if worthy of being two “peas in a pod.” They were made for hand holding and late nights and kisses in the moon light. All of which you’ll see on Instagram on the 15th with a fitting, punny caption which will most likely be “two peas in a pod.”
Happy Valentine’s Day. May the odds (and chocolate) ever be in your favor.