As any true Grey’s Anatomy knows, this show is an absolute emotional rollercoaster. Shonda has made us laugh, made us be completely grossed out, and made us sob like we’ve never sobbed before. And we love (hate) her for it.
Because of all the emotional trauma that Shonda puts us through, it’s sometimes very necessary for us to unwind. And in the spirit of Meredith Grey, what better way to unwind than tequila? Or wine, or beer, etc. So fill up your glass, turn on Grey’s Anatomy (you pick the season), and prepare for a whole new breed of drinking game.

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Take a sip when:
- Someone says “push one of epi”
- Someone is rude to a nurse
- Cristina Yang insults someone
- Alex Karev hits on someone
- One of the surgeons brings their child to the hospital
- One of the surgeons brings up personal issues during a surgery
- Someone goes to Joe’s Bar
- Someone gets shot
- A patient dies

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Take a shot when:
- Someone has sex in an on-call room
- Derek Shepherd says “it’s a beautiful day to save lives”
- Someone mentions Ellis Grey
- Mark Sloan is shirtless
- Jackson Avery is shirtless

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Chug when:
- Someone has a seizure, and don’t stop until the seizure stops
- Someone drinks an alcoholic beverage, and don’t stop until they stop
- Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang dance it out, and don’t stop until they stop
- The musical episode comes on, and don’t stop until the episode is over

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Finish your drink when:
- A surgeon dies
- Meredith Grey almost dies
- Something goes wrong during a wedding
- Someone finds out they have a sibling
- A surgeon leaves the hospital for another job
- Someone cheats on their husband or wife
- Someone finds out that their husband or wife cheated on them

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Open a new bottle when:
- You feel like Shonda Rhimes just ruined your life
Now that you know the rules, play on! And please drink responsibly.

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