In the world of cooking, there are numerous options for what tools you choose to create your delectable delights with. Choosing these tools for any avid cook or budding chef is essential. Here’s a list of the many brilliant items to add to your personal arsenal of foodiness.
1. Cast Iron Pan

Photo by Laura Kaplan
Cast iron pans will last decades with the right care and are as versatile as a Swiss army knife. Cast irons must be seasoned first which means some initial time put into your long-term investment, but it’ll be well worth it in the end.
2. Wok

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Although the workhorse of any Asian restaurant, a wok has way more uses than simply stir-fry or fried rice, such as braising, deep frying, and steaming. Woks, much like the cast-iron, have many uses, however, they require less maintenance.
3. Thin Pair of Tongs

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Everyone has awkwardly fumbled with those plastic tongs because they are clumsy. A nice pair of thin tongs are way more efficient. These tongs allow for precision placing and allow you to bring restaurant looking food into the comfort of your own home.
4. Knives

Photo by Allan Mai
If you have ever seen a true sushi chef cut, you know how important knives are. There are many different types of knives. Cleavers are ideal for cutting and butchering large hunks of meat. A serrated knife is primarily used for bread but is also good for tomatoes and similar fruits and vegetables. A general chef’s knife is perfect for everything from vegetables to trimming meat. With these knives in the drawer, no cut of meat is safe.
5. Dutch oven

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A Dutch oven is perfect for entertaining a massive group of people. Dutch oven’s are perfect for cooking chili or hosting for a hot pot party. They are also great for deep frying and braising meat.
6. Measuring Cups

Photo by Kendra Valkema
Measuring cups are essential for the tastiest part of science, otherwise known as baking. If your measurements and ratios wind up incorrect, so will the final product that you tried to bake.
7. Lemon press/Garlic press

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Presses will save time during prep work. With a press, a little bit of elbow grease goes a long way. Crushing garlic is essential in all cuisines and styles of cooking (same goes for lemon).
Honorary Mention: Mini Frying Egg Pan

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These things are awesome. It is simply a mini frying pan perfect for eggs.These frying pans are perfect for cooking any garnishes. They are also perfect if you think eggs are an excellent addition to any dish.

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