The queen of modeling, Cara Delevingne, has graced the world with her presence on various magazine covers and in her roles on the big screen. She is basically the most perfect/funniest human being alive. The girl can sing, dance, model, and act, and looks effortlessly cool while doing all of it.

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
What especially makes Cara an absolute queen is her candid manner and brutal honesty. In a business that garners quite a bit of criticism for pressuring models to lose weight and forcing distorted body images, Cara stands out for her tendency to go against the grain. Since beginning her acting career, she’s openly criticized the modeling industry, calling it “fake.”
“It’s horrible living in a world where I’ll get a call from someone saying, ‘So-and-so says you were partying a lot and you were looking this way and you need to lose weight,’” said Delevingne to the Wall Street Journal. In one interview, she said “she’d like to be curvier.” All in all, Cara is a role model for younger girls rising in the fashion and acting industries. Bonus points: her diet plan really isn’t that difficult.
According to celeb trainer James Dulgan, Cara eats whatever the hell she wants. Yes, this is her diet plan, I bullshit you not (though she put this on hold while filming Suicide Squad). As long as Cara eats approximately 1,400 calories a day, she’s in the clear. Here’s what our fave member of T-Swift’s girl squad eats regularly:
1. Indulge in McDonald’s

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
While America is still skeptical about McDonald’s, Cara has no doubts about her love of the food chain. In fact, in her DKNY campaign she even posed with the classic Mickey D’s french fries. Would you like to super-size that?
2. Treat yo’self when it comes to meat

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Twitter
When asked her favorite foods in an interview, Cara replied, “Anything meat or cheese; my ideal would be a cheese steak.” Next time she’s traveling to Philly (do supermodels do that?), she should check out these places for her fave meal.
3. Grab a Green Machine

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While Cara loves her some cheesy food, Cara also loves to sip on Naked’s “Green Machine.” They’re easy to find, easy to carry, and healthy. How practical.
4. Sizzle yourself some bacon

Photo by @caradelevingne on Instagram
Cara loves bacon so much that she even got it tattooed on her foot as a constant reminder. Though less often, Cara used to post odes to bacon on her Instagram almost daily.
5. Munch on pizza with your squad

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
Since she’s a pizza fan, Cara def needs to visit Jersey (and/or me). She even went as far as professing her love in a onesie.
6. Try strawberries and cream for dessert
When asked what she would serve at a dinner party, Cara answered with strawberries and cream for dessert.
7. Load up on baked beans

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
Like bacon, Cara is constantly praising her love of baked beans. She went as far as dedicating her 1000th Twitter post to the basic British food.
8. Experiment with quinoa

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
As Cara recounted she only recently found out what “good food” is. Something she discovered and enjoyed? Quinoa.
9. Start your day with scrambled eggs and toast (and bacon, of course)

Photo courtesy of @caradelevingne on Instagram
Of course, Cara’s mentioned that her favorite breakfast includes the essential bacon combination of scrambled eggs and toast.
10. Bonus: Check out NYC Restaurant, Shabu-Tatsu

Photo courtesy of @foodiecara on Instagram
If you really want to take the Cara diet to a new level, try Shabu-Tatsu in NYC’s East Village. While shooting her DKNY line, she revealed this go-to, praising it because, “They have this boiling pot and you just shove the meat in it and let it cook.” Adding it to the NYC must-eat list for sure.
While the model lifestyle may seem unattainable, Cara proves that it totally isn’t. She’s also mentioned that her high stress levels contribute to her low weight, and there’s always that annoying genetic metabolism thing too. But if Cara says pizza is okay to eat, who am I to disagree with the Queen?