When deep breathing isn’t working and the weekend seems out of reach, sometimes the only thing to do is call up that tall, dark, beautiful bottle of wine and spend the night in. But how about a handsome and dangerous man to go with that glass of red? Justin Bieber is the ultimate wine pairing, but here’s some proof if you don’t want to take my word for it.
I’m not sure if the Biebs is a wine guy, but his voice is always what the doctor ordered after a long day of smiling when you want to cry, stressing over your future, and almost dying at the gym — just kidding, you didn’t work out.
Fill your glass (maybe to the top) and drink up while baby Biebs serenades you.
“No Sense” & 7 Deadly Zins

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This jazzy number pairs perfectly with the bold, fruity, and lil’ bit spicy 7 Deadly Zins. So, invite over your best single ladies, or have a night alone with Justin and some Trader Joe’s dark chocolate.

Photo by Mikaela Kearns
“Love Yourself” & Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc

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I don’t usually go for blondes, but I’d make an exception for Justin and definitely for this wine. Just like any good Sauv, “Love Yourself” leaves you feeling sassy, sophisticated, and totally over the stress of this week.
My mama don’t like you, but she loves this wine and the refreshing citrus bite it offers.
#SpoonTip: If you’re feeling hungry, try this with a fresh berry salad.

Photo courtesy of Kelda Baljon
“No Pressure” & Wolftrap Syrah

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If Justin doesn’t make you feel special with “No Pressure,” this warm red with rivers of deep berry sure will. Add some chocolate peanut butter bars and you’ll feel unstoppable. A Syrah is a wine for you bold ladies ready to take a step off the beaten path and try something unexpected — but, no pressure…

Photo by Rachel Nulty
“What Do You Mean? (Acoustic)” & Le Grand Noir Rosé

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Rosé tends to be fruitier than other wines, and this red blend hits right in the middle with undertones of strawberry and a light oakiness. This combo goes best with a bubble bath and a bluetooth speaker.

Photo by Rachel Nulty
“Mark My Words” & Clos Du Bois Cabernet Sauvignon

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This is the kind of wine you could date. It’s strong, consistent, and brings out the best in you. The jury is still out on whether the same is true for J baby, but he sure is nice to look at — and can hit a falsetto like nobody’s business.

Photo by Lila Seeley
“Sorry” & Barefoot Moscato

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It is never too late for Moscato, ya know? At the end of the day, Barefoot will always be waiting for you. While it’s probably not the best choice (and might leave you with a headache), it goes down easy and is sweet while it lasts. Maybe you should buy two bottles?

Photo courtesy of latinawineblogger.com