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What Your Friends’ Eating Habits Say About Their Personalities

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Cardiff chapter.

As a first year student in college, you really can’t tell who will become your bff or your worst enemy. But it is true that the friends you make in college last a lifetime. But a question that haunts almost every fresher is, ‘How on earth do I find out who will be a soulmate?’ That was my first question for sure!

Now, we have a way to find out more about your classmate’s personality just by observing what they like to eat.

1. Spicy Food


Photo by Wendy Zhou

Someone who enjoys spicy food is someone who you should watch your steps around because it may only take them a second to transform from a total sweetheart to a vicious devil. Let’s just hope they know how to control their anger. But these are the friends who will follow through when you’re stuck in a problem.

2. Sweet Food


Photo by Aakanksha Joshi

These people are some of the most calm and sweet-hearted people. They are the people to go to when you need a listening ear. But, these people generally don’t open up to others that easily.

3. Savoury Food


Photo by Paavani Jain

People who enjoy savoury food are the life of the party. They are the reason why a plan is successfully implemented, and they are the last ones to catch a break at a party.

4. Salty Food


Photo by Paavani Jain

People who enjoy salty food do not hesitate in saying what is on their mind. They are willing to go up to anyone and everyone and tell them what’s on their mind. At times, this could be good for you, because you can get your point across to others through them, but at times, this can backfire on you.

5. Sour Food


Photo by: Paavani Jain

People who enjoy sour food are truly one of a kind. They can find happiness in the simplest of things, and have a hint of innocence in them. Being around them will bring out the child inside of you.

6. Pungent Food


Photo courtesy of Jeannie’s House Diner

Did you come across someone who just can’t be satisfied with the amount of onion or garlic in their food? (Yes, these people exist.) These people are emotionally (and at times, also physically) strong. There is no problem they can’t overcome on their own. This is truly a quality everyone wishes they have.

7. Bitter Food


Photo courtesy of Flickr.com

When I hear that people enjoy “bitter food,” I go, “Seriously?” Doesn’t bitter mean the food tastes bad? In fact, that’s not the only definition of bitter food. Leafy greens, herbs, and spices add the bitterness to food.

People who enjoy bitter food are those whose first impression about someone is usually negative. Though they come around after some time, they are reluctant in making friends. But, they are one of the first people to anticipate something bad.

8. Astringent Food


Photo by: Paavani Jain

Astringent food is that food which generally brings dryness in the mouth, such as dried out chips, grains, and herbs.

People who enjoy these food either have seen too much excitement in life, or haven’t seen any yet. So if you haven’t tried something all of your friends have, this is the person to go to, because hey, they probably haven’t tried it either! Maybe in this process, you might just end up with a new friend.

Shirin Bhasin

Cardiff '17