Everyone knows that Oreos are essential to a well-balanced college diet. Although there have been endless flavor additions to the Oreo family, the traditional double stuffed Oreo remains America’s favorite. They are already suitable for almost any occasion, but these simple do-it-yourself modifications could very well change your Oreo experience forever.
1. Chocolate Milk

Photo by Ella Storey
Because, why not introduce the Oreo to milk’s tall, dark and handsome older brother?
(Pro-tip: Statistics say that 7 seconds is the perfect amount of dunking time).
2. PB&O

Photo by Ella Storey
We have Lindsay Lohan (and that nonexistent girl we all thought was her twin) to thank for this.

Photo courtesy of tumblr
3. Nutella

Photo by Ella Storey
No, seriously… Who doesn’t put Nutella on everything that exists.
4. The Cookie-Dough-Reo

Photo by Ella Storey
Nabisco tried to make this one work, but it’s hard to compete with the real thing.
5. Whipped Cream

Photo by Ella Storey
Realistically, whipped cream is an appropriate condiment for all desserts.
6. Ice Cream Sandwich

Photo by Ella Storey
Oreos are always subject to destruction for the sake of ice cream. These delights are also smaller than the average ice cream sandy so you can eat more of them, right?
7. The Cereal Killer

Photo by Ella Storey
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. Empty stomachs are totally ideal for this since it’s basically a meal substitute. If you’re feeling ambitious go for regular size cookies but mini’s are highly advisable.