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This Trendy New Energy Bar Makes Eating Vegetables On-the-Go Easy

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at BU chapter.

Meet theSaladBar, an energy bar unlike anything currently on the market. The average person doesn’t eat as many vegetables as they should, and part of this problem stems from their lack of portability. These bars are dense in nutrients, won’t spike your blood sugar, and above all, make eating vegetables delicious.

energy bar

Photo courtesy of tsbnutrition.com

It’s Vegetable Based

Prebiotic fiber is the main ingredient in theSaladBar. Prebiotics are plant based fibers that travel through your small intestine unchanged, acting like fertilizer for good bacteria already in your gut.

Low in Sugar

You don’t need brown rice syrup to make an energy bar taste good. Some dried fruits, nut butter and spices make theSaladBar delicious on its own.


Everything in theSaladBar is pronounceable, and serves a nutritional function.

energy bar

Photo by Kristine Mahan

I had the pleasure of meeting theSaladBar’s founder, Eleanor, in person to talk about how she got started. The exercise fanatic and Harvard grad student spoke to me about how Clif and PowerBars were some of the only options on the market when she started long-distance cycling.  With the main ingredients being sugar, though, no avid health nut can feel good about this. So, she made her own.

Eleanor’s bars are a revolutionary concept and making vegetables mainstream is something I can dig. I stumbled upon these bars at Liquiteria in Harvard Square in March. As a hypoglycemic with a plethora of food restrictions, you can imagine my excitement to finally find a bar that fit my needs.

Until they hit stores across the country, you can buy them online and get a 20% discount and free shipping with special coupon code: SPOON

And after your purchase, hit them up for a like on facebook.

Fruit and vegetable enthusiast, stråla yoga guide, aspiring holistic healer. functionofwell.com